
So yeah I awoke to realizing that I might have given a huge misconception regarding my 'going away.' It is NOT suicidal! So yeah no need to worry, if worrying is what you do :P Alright final sign out! Bye!

I don't know where to put this so I'm just going to go ahead and put it here. I'm done with this. I'm at a negative point in my life and this frequent blogging is contributing to my sinking deeper into the void, and quite frankly it's too much to bare. It's been an honor and privilege knowing you all and thank you for

As I clicked on Notifications, I said outloud: "What the hell did I say this time?"

Only funny part of Futurama.

Still has more texture than some grass in games.

Start learning Japanese bitches!

I'd say if that puts him to sleep, and all the other Final Fantasy's contain the same 'magical' scenario, then the rest would put him to sleep.

How about people stop being overly dramatic about 9/11 motherfucker? Thought so. You don't cheapen someone else's problem just because a bigger fuck up occurred, that's fucking insincere.

Thanks for emphasizing the trade show aspect. Totally did not even think of that.

Try empathizing like a human being and not be such a waste of space one day my friend.

There's a difference between being in the audience and being told a joke that applies generally, and even then it can be very offensive, and being on stage as the directive of that joking. People then laugh AT YOU and YOUR hardships, not the hardships as a collective. "It is what it is" is a fucking stupid way of

Because all human beings are capable of becoming shit, hence everyone is shit. Once you realize this, it won't bother you as much.

You don't know for certain, but you have an idea. I go by facial features and then diverge my attention to physique such as breast size and way of stance alongside the voice.

Transgender people have it harder than bald and fat people. You can't deny this.

That's understanding and I agree with you, if you have male parts I will direct you as 'he;' unless I meet you in person and am positive that you want to be referred to as 'she' otherwise, then I will call you a 'she.' It's not being disrespectful at all. However, calling someone 'it' and 'thing' alongside outing that

lol Florida is bizzaro world.

This entire world is off topic.

It's the art style alongside the soothing music and sandbox premise.

I remembered I have this on Bluray :D

No respect for toy makers.