Good luck. I hope you can sort everything out. We'll miss you, but your personal happiness comes first!
That's a shame.
Awwww, I always liked your stuff. I think I know what you mean though, sitting there hitting refresh waiting for red replys after constructing careful comments, will there be nothing? Will there be recommends? Will there be conversation? It's all a bit nebulous and disconnected but it still keeps you coming back…
Awww dude...No..I Mean..No! You have to stay please..Don't leave us with the Necro and Archronos and fucking DocSeuss..You..Noooooooo
Imagine shutting the fuck up.
Sanic where u goin? Sanic plz stahp!
But you're like, one of the few people who I can recognize by their avatar.
I imagine that their are billions of people right now whose stomach is eating itself for lack of food, their parents have both succumbed to aids and died, and they sleep on a bed of sand.
who the fuck are you?!?!
I'm very sorry, mate. I, personally, have always enjoyed your input and I'll miss you if you leave.
Talk about politically incorrect. I didn't see any african americans or disabled people!
Robot rearranges rubiks cube to fulfill robots urges..
Robot rearranges human to fulfill robots urges..
Only a matter of time before we're ravaged by robot =(
I for one await the robot beauty competition 'Miss Hello, World'.
why does Miss World have to be human?