Robo Trumble

Each company has their own workplace atmosphere, and when that atmosphere is covering up sexual misconduct and the like... I resign.”

Not everyone has the privilege you do just to resign. Some people stay in shitty jobs because that’s all there is out there.

You have no idea what HR exists for, this is obvious. HR exists solely to protect the company. This is its ONLY purpose. In this case Ellen *is* the company in question. So when an employee shows up with a complaint, the simple solution is to eliminate the employee.

HR depts protect their company, not the employee. Going to HR, when abuse is that rampant, only compounds the abuse.

“mistrust of HR” lmao

HR? Really?

People did go to HR, and were shown the door shortly after.

If that workplace has become so toxic their first stop should have been HR not fucking twitter.

That sentence struck me, too. Any time someone’s response to being accused of toxic and hurtful behavior is “I’m just tough and you should just take it because you’re lucky to work for me/get to spend time with me”, you know damned good and well that they’re a narcissist with no regard for anyone else’s feelings. Would

The people behind the scenes of Ellen’s show aren’t working in bumblefuck with no unionization or human resources. They’re grown ass people that I’m sure have held other positions before they got hired for the Ellen show. If that workplace has become so toxic their first stop should have been HR not fucking twitter.

Hhahahahahahaa too much money in savings. Right.

Would just like to point out that when it comes to starting school back up, 100% of the conversation is about the kids, and how they are unlikely to get it and asymptomatic if they do.

“Too much cash in your savings account” what the fuck even is that?

Savings? You mean there are people out there that aren’t living paycheck to paycheck and using bank overdrafts as short term loans to pay rent? Crazy.

Why did you write this?

oh my word, pity me! For I have TOO MUCH CASH SAVED.

Why do you think that is? 

Hey, great recommendation.

On the day the $600 unemployment coverage ends no less. 


Does it really matter? I don’t understand all the people trying to make comparisons to anything else. The point here is that this thing is brutal (confirmed), spreads more easily than the flu (confirmed), and SO DAMNED EASY TO PREVENT (confirmed, over and over again.) Comparisons are just a distraction and excuse for