

B+? C'mon. This movie was excellent.

I was waiting for Randall to say "I call marriage!"

Yeah, this kind of ugly cry is also wholesome. Reminds me to appreciate loved ones and life. Not finding that on the news as easily.

In an interview, Justin Theroux said there are people doing OCD type things, repeating what they were doing the day of the departure to protect themselves. So that might explain some of the weirdness like Lawn Bride.

Yeah, like Cordelia interacting with Xander, amirite?

New Girl? No.

I'd be fine if Sonia doesn't come back. You did an excellent job, the review wasn't all about you.

I'm a woman who thought her comments and attitude sucked. Am I allowed that? I also think her writing leaves much to be desired, I'm used to Todd-quality writing on this site. I don't think she should be fired for this one incident, but rather for her bringing down the quality of writing on this site.

Really, AV Club? Please don't give an anti-vaxxer attention. They need to fade away.

Paul Simon wrote Red Rubber Ball, there's a great recording of it on their box set.

The white male dominated field she's getting friends from is comedy, not obstetrics, that's technically where she works.

My cousin loved the book so much she named one of her children Suttree. I haven't read it yet, so I don't know if that's a good thing.

How about when Ren goes crazy as Stimpy sleeps after reading too much Stimpy fan mail?

I thought it was mostly funny, and loved Weekend Update!

Frankie Wilde gets a second chance!!

Pete's scene in Shaun of the Dead is the best, no question.

Super Specs was always my favorite, especially the dark ending.

Stupid pride.

I wonder what happened to her husband.