
Another Mother was my favorite, and I'm pleased to say it still holds up today.

She's listed in episode 8, though. I think they are purposely messing with us on these listings, the lists for the next few episodes are strange.

And history (SYMIHC).

I felt like Jennifer Carpenter was laying it on a little thick with the coke shakes.

The Entertainment Weekly article said as much.

So, I'm late, I know, but watching this on HBO Go and they refilmed it without Fairuza Balk! Interesting, I thought I'd imagined her until a google search confirmed it.

I posted it too in a reply before I finished reading all of the comments. It really is good, though.

Me too, and I was thinking, off? Surely he'd say so, if it was all the way off.

I know it's late to say it, but Janice is not just irritating. She's terrible. Remember ***SPOILER*** when she instant messaged Bobby's kids pretending to be their dead mother? That's not just "irritating". I love these reviews, but that's something I have to disagree with.