
The Lakers are one of the NBA's marquee franchises. By sole virtue of their glamorous location (including local media considerably less nasty than that found in the league's other tier-1 global city), they should be one of the league's best teams every single year. It's hard to screw this up...and yet, here we are.

I think you answered your own question.

"I'm ready to settle down" within what sounds like the first half hour of the date? No. Absolutely not. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Get your ass home.

I believe it was Tina Fey who said: "Helen Mirren is not proof that there are parts for older women, Helen Mirren is proof that there are parts for Helen Mirren."

Dearest Russell,


This is the single move I swear more NFLers are capable of, but none use. This really isn't hard to do - if you train for it.

On vacation, I tend to eat rich, delicious meals—an enjoyable part of the whole experience. However, the stress of travel combined with this dietary shift can wreak havok on my hair-trigger guts.

Complete conjecture, but:

Damn straight all around. B&Bs are just the worst.

So....any B&B, then.

I did this once, and I'll never do it again. Typically, they cost more than a hotel, but you get less freedom. If I'm on vacation, it's a safe bet that I'll want to go out to a concert, then a bar, and then get back to my hotel so I can smoke weed - even though the signs say you can't. (You can. You can. Any hotel

More like bed-and-bitchfest amirite lol

They're bad, Barry.

A healthy contingent of people complain about how long a game of Monopoly takes to play. These people make up one or more of the following groups. Listed in the order of game sinfulness:

1) A group of people ignorant to what inflating the cash base of players does to the game's strategy and the time a game takes to

That's why you play with official rules and cut out that free parking lottery. That blind luck is why Monopoly games take forever, because it keeps people alive who should have been bankrupt years ago. The game is much more fun when you play legit.

It is literally impossible to not land on orange.

I agree. That fuckin' orange red corner can kill you.