Robot Panda

I understand that LP's are a shaky ground and that the law isn't clear when it comes to them. Honestly, I rarely watch LP's and if they must be gone, then I'm fine. There is an extremely few LP's I have watched, where I see the player has actually put an effort in to make the LP look as seamless as possible. Most is

I want more aggression. TB once hosted a pro game for fun, with minimal funding. Some guy asked "is badmouthing okay". TB said "of course, we want fun here" or something in those lines. To this day I haven't watched a better esport game. That was 2 years ago. Damn, I need to go watch it again.

Of course, there was no

I would totally not mind having a separate site for every reviewer I visit. Then again, discovering new people would be hard-ish. Youtube made it very easy with the suggestions on the side.

However, people have proven to shun away from that. They want all their stuff in the stuff place, their things in the things

It's a false analogy. You can't compare someone's hobby to someone's job. There are a ton of people who make written/video reviews with no monetary gain - they do it as a hobby. It would be the same if I called football players just "kids playing with a ball", since there are much more hobbyist football players that

Some of them have made good living on youtube for years. They've said stuff like "the new design stinks", "the new comment system is stupid" and so on, but they have never said anything really bad about youtube until right now. It doesn't seem like they aren't allowed to trash talk youtube, since now, when they have a

Well, the same argument can be made for any long term job. Those guys that make money on youtube - they have contracts with youtube. Contracts that line out all kinds of things, and are made in a way that should keep both youtube and the youtubers secure. Otherwise, it wouldn't have become so big.

But if you lose your

I'll join the ones saying "if you can't go one week without internet, you have a problem". Of course, there is an exception - if your livelihood depends on the internet. Many people nowadays work in ways, where they need internet to receive payment (Paypal), or need internet to send in the illustrations for the book

Porn is re-enactment of sex, the same way murder on movies is re-enactment of murder. I mean, you may think it's real sex, but that changes once you watch porn bloopers. And... it's just... it should be illegal to watch people get murdered for as long as watching sex is also illegal.

The bitch had most likely already

That statement shows a severe lack of knowledge about the job market in developed countries. "Traditional job" becomes harder and harder to find, mainly due to technology advances that make having a human work the job a less viable option. However, the same technological advances have made it possible for people to

Do you live your life assuming that at any point you may lose your job? No. Fuck that. That is unbearable stress. Stop being captain hindsight and show some empathy. Youtube is shitting on the livelyhood of people who make gaming better. I mean, let's assume that he goes away? Then other videogames reviewers are gone.

Hi, I'm a Japanese nerd bitch who don't even know Japanese well enough, my vocabulary is retarded and I make up words, and am looking for a man with low enough self-esteem to please my pleads for a guy, but high enough to make me feel good about myself.

Inherent shyness? Then, why do we know about her private life?

Because modern games are made like movies. There is no value to mainstream games as games now. They're just movies, just look worse. If you watch a Dark Souls playthrough, if you play the game you will get a different experience. I will also watch Last of Us and not buy it. It is called being a smart consumer. Instead

Totally, man. I also agree with your point that reviewers need to have a real job. The fuck is this, telling me if a game is good or not, spending your day PLAYING and telling me what a good game is? I can find out on my own, thank you. Since I am white as fuck, money is not a problem for me, I can afford spending $60

When has copyright worked in favour of the consumer? The law was invented by Edison, who an asshole anyway, to protect the rights over his elephant snuff film.

Comparison between the tedium of Minecraft and Skyrim is much more accurate than comparison with Terraria. The point in Minecraft is that it takes time and effort to build your castle. If they had given you tools to build whatever you wanted easily, then the existence of the world would have been irrelevant - you

Taking away The Witcher 2 in favour of that crap FFXIV is just atrocity. Dragon Age: Origins was not bad at all, however should a pick be made between that and The Witcher 2, I say The Witcher 2 is the better game. It just had much bigger balls than DA:O.

Why would such a device exist? If I wanted to move while shooting people in the face, I would buy a rifle and shoot people in the face. Or at least go to some paintball place. I guess if they made it mandatory for fat people to use this to play shooters, I'd love the internet for a week, but other than that, I don't

I so much want Templar's Creed D:

Fucking nerds. Always complaining about how women look.

"Oooh, where's the hot bitches in our culture". Hot bitches show up. "Oh why do the hot bitches show boobies, and why are hotter than average, and why do they dye their hair and why are they so sexual, and oh my god I'm more girl than any girl out there".

It's odd, though. Has anyone seen South Korean games? Bitches walk half or fully naked all the time. Men sometimes wear clothes, sometimes not, it's kind of odd with those.

EDIT: I don't mind the second though. Women should not be flashing their assholes and cunts on Cartoon Network.