A Robot That Farts

Don’t worry sweetie - Kim Davis will be ok in jail.

You think these people know what capital gains are? These are the people Whartonites laugh at as they themselves dorkily gambol into Hunstman Hall with a bespoke suit and an Eastpak (eg, Trump).

For 18 years, no one had the courage to tell blind white supremacist Clarisse Bigsby that she was, in fact, black. That would all change one fateful day in south Texas, moments after what seemed, at the time, to be nothing more than a botched call in a football game...

Dude, I STILL Can’t Find My Car!

Wow, your Friday nights are way more interesting than mine. Tell me more!

“Guess they weren’t kidding about the whiteout.”

I spent like 5 minutes trying to caption this, but it is perfect without words.

That's a lesbian Steve Zahn next to him, right?

Time for this meme to rest. In. Peace.

When you find out one of the guys in your “crew” is Asian and not white.

Wow Dad even has jokes

That moment when you realize social chair Braxton booked the Beta Butt Chug Formal on the same night that Entourage comes out on DVD.

Christianity is apparently like Choose Your Own Adventure. She can pick out the stuff she likes (hating gays, long denim skirts) and ignore the stuff she doesn’t (divorce is bad).

Oh, the Supreme Court? The Supreme Court that ruled that gay marriage was legal? That Supreme Court? Good luck with that, you ignorant fuck.

Daniel Snyder has countless polls and surveys showing that 99% of Redskins fans actually DO support Robert Griffin III as the team’s starting QB, even though all evidence suggests otherwise.