If anything is petty, it’s claiming that society should be more accepting of liars and frauds and by not doing so we are creating a hostile environment for such afflicted characters.
If anything is petty, it’s claiming that society should be more accepting of liars and frauds and by not doing so we are creating a hostile environment for such afflicted characters.
Holy straw man, Batman. Where did I mention polygamy or anything that was against the law? I said if a person cannot be honest with their partner about their need to fuck others, while simultaneously lying to said partner about them being the one and only, they have no business being in a relationship.
That’s fine. Then don’t get in to a relationship when your partner thinks you are monogomous. I have friends who made it clear, upfront, that they are not exclusive. Some partners didn’t like the idea and some did. The ones that stuck around know the deal. They aren’t being gaslighted and deceived. That’s the…
She said society guilts people in to relationships, in 2015. She also blamed society when a person cheats because if we as a whole were more accepting then cheating wouldn’t happen. Here’s the deal, the person and only the person is responsible for their cheating. If being in a relationship is not something a person…
If anything is petty, it’s claiming that society should be more accepting of liars and frauds and by not doing so we are creating a hostile environment for such afflicted characters.
Yes honesty is a big problem isn't it? It is such a problem having to be honest with your life partner.
Actually you said society was to blame, not the individual. Interesting thought though, does this acceptance extend to women having multiple sexual partners in their marriage also?
Seriously. Not only are non-monogamous relationships an option, there is also breaking up/divorce if you are more into the serial monogamy thing. So there are zero excuses for cheating.
That’s not Dan’s message. He talks about how monogamy is hard and it takes work and we should be more honest about that. If you don’t want to be monogamous, that’s okay but don’t go make a commitment to someone that you will be. Also if you have had an affair and you are genuinely sorry about the pain it has caused,…
Wrong. People are not pressured in to thinking that. They are however held accountable for their words and actions. If you commit to a relationship, society holds you accountable. If that relationship means you agree to only fuck one another, there you go. If that relationship means you agree to fuck others, there you…
honey no
No one is forcing these people to commit to a monogamous relationship. They're grown ass adults who actually do have a choice in what actions they take. Plenty of people are very happy in monogamous relationships, and plenty of people who aren't decide not to be in one. No one is forcing anyone to cheat.
Seems like Fraternities around the US will not rest until they are all disbanded and no longer allowed to exist. That is perfectly fine with me.
I’ll admit that when I got to the part about them having a nanny and a house cleaner, in addition to working from home, I may have strained my eyeballs due to over rolling.
I mean, if he’s on crack or heroin it definitely would make sense.
That guy predicting Bradford’s knee explosion to happen in week 3 is horribly optimistic, isn’t he?
I don’t know about “good,” but it might be fair to say “no worse.”
Like, permanently chill with. They’re all good on the quarterback thing, thanks.
In the Bible, God commands the Israelites to commit genocide on several occassions. It also specifically allows the Israelites to enslave, including sexually, those who they conquer. Do you really not see how someone looking for a justification for mass murder or mass rape could easily find it in the following…