A Robot That Farts

"Whether or not Palin is actually interested in running or in simply interested in generating more attention/money/power/whatever is uncertain."

"I look over to discover that he was masturbating right there next to me. I told him I found it gross..."

This is the opposite of my experience.

Fair enough.

Out of curiosity, why wear it if no one sees it?

Class rings SCREAM "I never grew up and haven't achieved a goddamn thing worth talking about since I was 18."

Phone... dies?

No, but thanks for asking/suggesting!

You do if horseracing is made illegal.


I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I've seen horses just kinda chilling in fields being horses somewhere.

I cannot fathom making a living (and for some of them, not really a great one) by entering an 8-sided cage and fistfighting other human beings. Nothing wrong with it, but it's just so far outside my personal wheelhouse that I'm at a loss to imagine it. Those guys love it and get it, though.

"I think a lot of this is that people who are close with their family don't understand the concept of not being close with your family."

Your dermatologist is wrong, but if you have eczema, then yeah, it's right for you. Showering every day is also not bad for your hair unless you're using the wrong shampoos/conditioners.

YES. Just because it did a marginally better job of hiding it doesn't make Selma any less of an obvious ploy for Oscar nods than Stand and Deliver, Lean On Me or Dead Poets Society.

"Some people genuinely don't have enough BO/body oil/whatever to need to shower more than every other day if they're not breaking a sweat."

Yeah, weather plays a big role. Mid-Atlantic coast summers are a pretty good guarantee you're gonna end up with a severe case of swampass and as a result, it ensures that even if you miss a workout, you're still gonna hit the shower twice unless you're gross.

If you're not showering once in every 24-32 hour period, you're not doing it correctly. There's no real room for debate here.

It certainly could if you're an quick and early riser or if your workday starts at 10/11 AM.

The flipside to this is that when bacteria fight and someone loses, they don't clean the area and leave it pristine, the same way that soldiers in war do not clean up the body and disinfect the site when they shoot someone between the eyes.