Robot Devi

When she was looking in the mirror and popping pills her arms were also unnecessarily sweepy. It was like she was displaying them for the Price is Right.

I just figured it was because they already mentioned it on the monitor. They said if she didn't have immunity then she would have been sent home, so I don't really think they could have added anything more productive to her critique at the judge's table.

That was the big thing for me. He did apologize, sincerely, and Nick wasn't even gracious enough to accept it.

I recently binge-watched the entire series up to this point and you are correct, it is getting increasingly worse. Dude's not even trying anymore.

Upvoted for defenestrate.

HH said through Andy Brooks that Ichabod had killed Abraham though. Even though Ichabod didn't, he still blamed him for his death.

It didn't read to me like he was seeking revenge for Ichabod stealing Katrina; more like he was seeking revenge for Ichabod killing him in his first incarnation and decapitating him in his second. The Katrina thing was more salt in the wound.

"I feel like I'm waiting for something to happen, which is odd—I don't think of myself as a fan of purely climactic television." Interesting choice of words for a Masters of Sex review.

Good to know I'm not the only one who cheered when she got clipped. I feel like we've seen that scene a hundred times. Carrie doesn't like how a mission is going down for personal reasons, people tell her to back off, she leaves the vehicle and pursues dangerous people on foot, more insistence that she go the fuck

Slut shaming really doesn't fit here. It's less about her sleeping with whomever she pleases, and more about how emotionally manipulative she is, whether she realizes is or not.

The Klaus whining is definitely getting one-note, but there are two previous Klaus moments that have endeared him to me forever:

His delivery is perfect. The best part about everyone treating him like a ghost in his own apartment is that we get lines like that.

Winston's lizard drama was the highlight for me

Sleepy Hollow is truly in good company.

True Blood has UV bullets. Ever the reliable source of outlandish solutions.

Why are 99% of the women on this show written as infantile fucking idiots? Is McClarens the go-to place for female lead miners and smelters?

The straw thing was a highlight for me. It seemed like something the actors were laughing about and they just said, "Hey, why not. Let's leave it in."

I think I would enjoy these episodes a lot more if it wasn't for the looming specter of Brody on the horizon. I was never sold on the Carrie/Brody relationship.

Personally, I'm freaked out by the fact that he would ask her, and she would agree, to be manic for so long. Manic phases leave actual physical scars on the brain (much like seizures), that make the disorder worse over time. It's part of the reason I'm terrified of going off my meds.

Elena being slow is one of her defining traits. Makes sense since the girl barely went to school.