Robot Devi

That diner is Mystic Falls adjacent. People probably get stabbed with wooden things all the time in there.

What's up with him being able to drive a car?

Killing off Bonnie Tyler would be the most shocking and unexpected thing this show has ever done. Then again, she IS living in a powder keg and giving off sparks.

I care about anything Columbus Short is doing.

They really turned over quickly on that, didn't they? They have to thoroughly vet any potential members (having been burned before), but the police can apparently just roll up on them any ol' time.

I really liked this episode, if only because it answered some frustrating questions I had that was really holding me back from liking this show. Hayley slapping Elijah is fine with me; he seemed to be into it.

Crowley did call her a whore though. So, not really a win.