Robot 1X

Flying the Ring at Mordor on an Eagle makes about as much sense as Jaime running at Daenerys with a spear. Maybe you forgot the opposition completely outguns you, but they will not have. Stealth was the only option considered because the alternative is too stupid to contemplate.

Google tip: Google secretly filters porn from your search results unless you use an explicitly pornographic search term. This helps keep kids and olds from stumbling across porn accidentally. Try adding something unambiguously sleazy to your search terms and enjoy the improved results.

Either is always preferable to the garbage you get anywhere else in North America. The bagels further west are just dinner rolls in torus shape. Revolting.

Try using orange text on a black background at minimum brightness. Google Play Books will do that for you automatically based on time of day, but most apps have some similar mode. I think Kindles have a toggle to orangify the whole system. The printed book is a dead medium, and the faster it dies the more publishers

The experiment didn't prove anything. The subjects assumed the experimenters wouldn't actually let them hurt anyone… and they were right. All further reasoning is just the experimenter projecting the results he wanted to find onto the scenario.

For contrast, if I pave a road, how much money should I get every time somebody drives over that road?

I liked the movie a lot, but it's odd that we witness the most important, staggering achievement in the history of mankind and probably the entire Universe: the AI singularity. But we're expected to connect with it based on whether or not it hurts this one guy's feelings. It's strangely narrow if you think about it.

Yes, but your optic system can also see pure yellow, of course. The yellow light excites the cones in approximately the same way as the red+green. It's slightly different, though, because pure yellow will excite the blue cone differently from red+green. I'm not sure if the difference is perceptible in any useful

No, Leia, your employer is your father! (for purposes of making decisions about your reproductive health) — Darth Scalia

This episode's winning joke for me is where pedestrians are exiting the transit tube system and Fry comes shooting through the terminal to slam face-first into a wall. A New New Yorker glances up at his crumpled body just long enough to scoff "Pft! Tourist!" Perfectly NNYC.

Bruno doubted the central tenets of the religion itself including the divinity of Christ.

Actually, Polaris is a multi-star system, which you can't really see with the naked eye, but becomes apparent through even a small telescope. There's something metaphorical about looking at something you've seen every night in a new way and seeing that it contains more than you had realized.

I've been trying to beat Rogue for 28 years. Last year, I picked up the Amulet of Yendor for the first time. Then I immediately died.

I'm waiting for the sequel: Wish I Was Able to Use the Subjunctive Mood Correctly.

Throws a bitcoin down on the table, waits expectantly.

I always wondered what that thing is that Dorothy is swinging around on during the song. Apparently, it's a horse-drawn "dump rake" and is used for collecting hay. I can't decide if it has symbolic significance (foreshadowing of Scarecrow?) or just looks cool.

Based on watching a little of everything, I've decided the best Olympic Winter sport is (ski/boarder)-cross. You line up some people at the top of a mountain. There are humps and jumps and curves over the snow. Whoever gets to the bottom first wins. No bullshit judging. No tedious week-long brackets. No comparing X

Co-starring. I don't see Reagan's name in the title.