Robot 1X

The Lust of Us? World War GLBT? 28 Dates Later?

Well, back in the old days, you would punch in a date, time and channel to record. At the given time, the VCR would switch to that channel and record the last 15 minutes of an overtime football game. Then it would record the first 7 minutes of your show before running out of tape. The next day you'd discover your

What!? Now my VCR program is going to tape some random thing.

The movie opens on a mountain… black lotus; channel; fireball; roll credits.

There's a lot wrong with this study. Firstly, there is no clear reason why grammatical tags should correlate with popularity. One imagines the public decides what to read based more on themes and genre. Then, they use public-domain books to train the algorithm. The writing styles they are attempting to discern have

I really appreciate this: "If you just want to see a simple list of everything we publish, in reverse chronological order and without any separation or design bells and whistles, just go here:" because I do just want that! And as long as you give me the option of getting what I want, I don't

I was 14 years old. I knew the original cards had gotten pretty expensive, but I started playing during Revised, so I didn't have any of that stuff. I saved money for a year to buy a case of Fallen Empires on the day of the release… It made a pretty passable thrull deck, I guess.

Has my complete set of Fallen Empires also appreciated in value?

*nods rapidly* Like Fry! Like Fry!

Up, Down and Sideways form the best movie trilogy since Trois Couleurs! Some critics call Down an inessential bridging piece, but you really get a sense of how that fat kid became a frustrated novelist.

@drdarke:disqus  The angels didn't take her; she willingly gave herself up to advance the Eva project. But his father blamed the angels anyway, which drove him crazy obsessive.

The AV Club Community finale comments

I still have my egg (for some value of "have" meaning "is somewhere in a pile of my crap at my parents' house"). My mom knitted him a poncho and a little sombrero. You'd think it would stink, but it just sort of fossilized.

When I was that age, I watched this great new show called the Simpsons. 30 Rock is done and the Simpsons is still going, so that makes me younger, right? Right?

The artists are going to go hide out in some kind of valley because the moochers don't appreciate them enough? This gives me a great idea for a movie! (And a thousand-page book)

The artists are going to go hide out in some kind of valley because the moochers don't appreciate them enough? This gives me a great idea for a movie! (And a thousand-page book)

So… A+ then?

So… A+ then?

Man, that module was some bullshit. My level-1 wizard tried to walk up the stairs; they collapsed and I died 5 minutes into the session. 1E rules sucked!

Man, that module was some bullshit. My level-1 wizard tried to walk up the stairs; they collapsed and I died 5 minutes into the session. 1E rules sucked!