
Hahaha, I can just see it now, photographers everywhere calling chiropractors because their necks are sore from hunching over a 10" screen importing and editing 500 RAW files. Tablets are not an ergonomic solution. If you prop it up on a dock and add a keyboard, then you've just spent $800 on a tiny desktop, when that


Nowhere in a Bloody Mary. Clam juice is part of Clamato juice, which is in the Canadian Caesar.

Yeah.. it was edited/updated after I wrote my comment, which makes my comment look like I didn't read the article.

"I don't know what Instagram filters the Russians are using, but there's something about these low-saturation photographs that mesmerizes me."

I had three very unintended troll-worthy comments lined up, then ctrl-a + deleted. I'm just going to say I am an advocate of push.. on Android. Having moved from iOS to Android, I can say that I prefer having push activated on Android, and update intervals activated on iOS. The reason being I get so many emails in a

Why does Samsung think it's need for differentiation has to go beyond ultra-thin and light devices? Why does it have to barf it's proprietary iOS clone UX over an otherwise worthy stock UI. I'll never understand. If I was in the market for a tablet, this 8.9 would be awesome, however unless XDA gets stock Honeycomb

Figures, the safest place to be during a quake turns out to be nearly the deadliest. Major props (pun intended) to Delta Flight 91's pilot and crew for keeping a cool head, and landing safely during such a disaster.

Excuse my ignorance, I should refrain from posting before my morning coffee - I read it as the only benefit of Android was making outgoing GV calls..

Go weep your troll tears on Engadget, fanboy.

I surely hope you're using "bias" in jest of Joel from Gizmodo.

Must be your network, or your phone's all garbled up. My Nexus One (2.3.3) smoked and continues to smoke my coworkers' iPhone 4's.

Just like the iPhone 3G from that same time period, your Hero is now an outdated hunk of plastic and glass. You can't throw the "fragmentation" card out there when iOS is just as fragmented, Apple just won't release the numbers as to how many are still running iOS2 and 3.

Nintendo 64 came and went long before the iPad was a scribble on Steve's Newton. 16 million units is impressive for one year of sales, however unlike the N64, the iPad's market is a new small corner in a very large bin of data enabled gadgets. Besides, the 2 or 3 people I've seen with an iPad were easily using it how

I couldn't imagine playing a game where I had to hold the screen for more than 20 minutes. The allure of consoles is sitting on the couch, feet up, controller in hand, relaxing while you blast noobs away on a widescreen tv. An argument in favour of an iPad game future is - well you could have a controller with the

Because I'm at work, on the internet. I got rid of Facebook a year and a half ago - like a lot of my friends. We now go out to a pub, or stay in and talk, play darts, etc, while all of you sit in front of your screens mashing away at status updates, liking frivolous bar photos, and adding the latest privacy

All you Facebookers should try this new thing I found. It's called Life: The Real Social Network. Whenever someone asks you to "add them", give them your phone number and email address. They usually are all like quoi? It's a nice little fuck-you. If you want to share photos, deface my wall, and like everything, come

You beat me to it. I watched the Nature of Things doc by David Suzuki on Raccoons, and they've already conquered our cities, who's to say that if we ever died/left they they wouldn't take over? Of course once resources are gone, would they up and leave to join their country brothers? Or would they evolve to cultivate