
Screen is 1280x800, not 960x560 in the Specs box.

Why not skip one step? When you tap on the notification it goes away for later, but if you tap on the arrow you go to the notification. Having to tap to get your options of "later" and "open" is just one unintuitive extra step. Nice addition to iOS.. about a year and half too late for me though.

Used Macs for 9 years. Just bought a monster Windows 7 desktop that could melt the aluminum off any Mac out there, and I am never ever going back.

Wow, 1500 people working on Symbian? Maybe Nokia should have walked them out years ago.

Pontiac Dodo.

My Facebook has been locked up to just Family for the past year, and it's been so nice and quiet. A true breath of fresh air since the "social revolution" started.

Ahh! Glad to see the "wasteful packaging" posts are back! I should have sent photos of the packaging my RAM came in. RAM! No bigger than a couple of strips of bacon, encased in plastic, surrounded by molded styrofoam, inside a tightly sealed cardboard package, surrounded by plastic air-pillows, inside a box that would

I prefer the Protege5 to any of the Mazda3 variants.

The only problem with the helmet cuff links, is those damn visors never, ever stayed on.

You fucking missed a spot.

The day is bright and hot, I need a drink. I shuffle my feet toward the corner where a door is open to a world of wonderful treats and fridges of refreshing beverages. Inside I grab a Coke, because I want something sweet to quench my thirst. I turn and nod at the cute brunette who shuffles past me in her flip flops. Hey I like shiny toys as much as the next guy.. but being an ex-Apple user, I've spent too much money on "quality" which turns out to be a crock of shit. I've made much less trips to my local computer shop compared to the yearly Apple store journey that would leave me without a machine for a week.

Gee, I hope the tree is okay.

America, I love you. I want you to know this because when the butt probing aliens come to take us all away, it's you and your rednecks who we will look to for help.

I can just see it now. People sitting at a bus stop, pawing at their phone like a cat, "where's my effin angry birds?!"

Studies don't prove anything. I can faithfully say my impulses are under control. Now, if you'll excuse me, this article has made me quite upset - so I'm off to go buy a new tv.

Stock home screen launcher is good, but more functional options are available.. Launcher Pro (paid) is amazing.