
I bought one for my partner. She loves it. I drive it now and then, and it's not as bad as people make out to be. Just.. if you're going to buy one, for eff sakes, get the manual tranny.

Wanted: New Racial Stereotype

Perhaps then, you should travel back to 1999.

I thought this was going to be a report that Trent Reznor actually finished the movie/miniseries based on his fantastic concept album Year Zero. Terribly disappointed, I am.

Sure it's upsetting, but please MOVE ON. Demand the administration moves on. Demand higher budgets for NASA. Demand science literacy in America. If you dwell on this and disregard future thought, you'll be doomed to revelling about the Apollo program and the shuttle missions forever. MOVE ON, and set your sights on

I use my watch far more than any other clock around me. I have turned off date/time on my computer's task bar, and my phone has only the tiny time buried in the corner of the status bar. My watch is a tool - it just happens to be a beautiful tool.

Here's some disgusting juice, drink it and you will be rewarded. The religious person believes their obedience will be appreciated, so they drink. They are rewarded. The non-religious person refuses to drink the disgusting juice. They believe their self worth is above the deed no matter the reward. Somehow, this means

Speak for yourself. I haven't stopped wearing watches since I was a wee lad. Just bought this beauty last week:

and then I awakened from my death bed. I explained to my family that the $125,000 they spent to communicate with me post-mortem had been all a con. There was no Life Network. There was no Life representative named Joanne. It had all been a con - and we fell for it. Though, in all our fury it went unnoticed that I was

One must wonder why the designer of the transmission opted to skip sixth and seventh, and hop-skip right through to eighth gear.

Are you that hard up? Yeesh, I've seen better behind the counter at McDonalds.

I can confirm this moral authority from both sides of the fence. I grew up in the Catholic Church. However, with all it's fire and brimstone, there was never once a "be good because god is watching" from my parents and my peers - the fear was a back hand or the wooden spoon. That was immediate and painful authority,

I think ignorance feeds the optimism. There's billions of people out there with no clue. They are so complacent, and optimistic that things will either get better, or stay the course. They paint a pretty reality, and never criticize questionable happenings.

About a year ago, I went all geek/paranoid and planned 4 different escape contingencies in the wake of an apocalyptic event. The first was to design an emergency kit that could be easily grabbed on the go. Next was to plan 4 different, remote spots in central-northern Ontario to settle. Assuming the apocalyptic event

There you go.

Perfect soft boiled egg:

I have planned to get rid of my data plan for a while now.. just gotta make that call.

I always nap when I get home from work. I set my alarm for 28 minutes - any longer than that and I'm cranky after I wake up.. which also ensures a terrible night's sleep. Remember to stay warm, and I try not to nap in the same place I sleep, otherwise I connect one to the other and things get strange.

UFO can be used to describe anything that is a flying object which cannot be identified. The object in this video is unidentifiable, and flying. I believe with a severe certainty it is not an alien spacecraft, but an unidentified flying object. In this case, it is most likely an insect.

My skepticism gauge red-lined. An unidentified flying object, yes. An alien spacecraft, no.