
I anxiously await the 3.0 release. However, like 2.2 and it's slow fizzle out the Mountainview HQ doors, I won't hold my breath. I just hope it's out near Christmas so I can make gingerbread android mascots to celebrate it's arrival.

@robot-shmobot: Also, I just downloaded the app for shits and giggles and can't help but notice the bitch pockets posting "first" and "third" in the Comments of the App. Do people really live for that kind of thing, posting "first"? Seems grade-schooley

There was a very very brief moment were I went - shit they did release Google TV for your computer! Then I reread the title. Still, app looks good. I hope it's foreshadowing of what's to come for Gingerbread.

@RubiksCube: I think that's more of a Whitney Houston cut, non?

Dexter uses an N8. I saw that, I believe, last episode.

I'm going to make an assumption based on nothing, for the record.

Mmm, pie.

In my lifetime, I can see myself being able to afford a Corvette. I am unable to see myself affording a Ferrari.

AT-AT Walkers. That is all.

The iPhone will do the same thing in the US that it has done in Canada once a second carrier takes hold:

Actually it wasn't hit by lightning, it was blasting it's Liberty rays into the heavens.

@hercules q. einstein: My bubble has officially been burst. However, we used to prank Mr. Pickel often. I don't see how having a completely hilarious name would draw less attention to yourself.

Tense for the pitcher would have it's advantages, on the other end, tense for the catcher would have it's consequences. Oh, we were talking about making a gay joke about electric cars? Right then. Something something frouffy vehicles..

@econobiker: Ho Lee Phuc? Awesome name. I think I would be proud to have an awesome name and would show it off in a phone book.

@DownWithOPP: Side note: What do you have against the Ontario Provincial Police?

@Bassem B.: One day back in my home town, I was leafing through the phone book like any bored as shit 13 yr old does and found a guy named Harry Pickel.. True story.