
Because a G8 is just not enough.

Damn, my girlfriend and I want a cheap wedding. I love me a Quarter Pounder and she loves the Big Mac. For $260 I'd be interested. Also when I was a kid a McDonald's birthday was like a crackhead coke party for kids, so I would imagine that a McDonald's wedding would be even better.

@RubiksCube: cache.gawker images usually don't work. I found that out the other day.

@DrakeDatsun: It would depend on how Apple would implement the multitouch.. If they completely redesign OS X to be a modal interface then there's going to be problems. If they just implement touch into the current OS X then there shouldn't be problems.

@Cromwell: Amen dude.. I switched to Windows 7 after 8 years of Mac use for the sole reason that Maya for Mac blows anyway.

aaand the death of the traditional desktop is on the horizon. So much for all those graphic designers, photographers and visual artists who rely on the current version of OS X and all the 3rd party software that has been built specifically for it over the past 10 years. There will have to be a damn good reason for any

@Subliminal Bukkake: As I won't be seeing the Droid X here in Canada for quite some time, I expect the Desire HD to make it here first, which might just do what I want. However, like I said, it'll be a good year and a half/two years before I upgrade again. So my anticipation lies in software right now. Yay Gingerbread.

@Ben Zvan: I was going to say giz, but Gizmodo as of late has been so/so with Apple. Also, most of that was rampant sarcasm.

Oh boy, let the rabid speculation begin.

@WestIndiesKING: Are you a T-Mobile or AT&T N1? I've got the Rogers/AT&T Nexus One and have no problems with the touch screen. Of course, yes there's some wonkiness with regards to some multitouch functions, but basically it's a solid phone. Pinch to zoom and multi-touch typing work flawlessly. The only problem I have

Still rockin' my Nexus One, which I will maintain ultimate rockage for another 2 years. The only things that will trump the N1 is a vast supply of better screens and the off-chance that Google won't let it support Android 3.0 (which it will). So I will stay classy with my Googlephone until a a 4.3 inch behemoth comes

@Absent Blue: It's funny. 6 years ago I was mincing bud, now I'm mincing basil.

That's not art, that's littering. Tasty tasty littering.

It's currently raining in their server. Lifehacker commenteers have crashed another site? Love it.

or, things I learned from smoking weed.

I have a typically foul mouth. Sometimes my mouth says things that could be considered objectionable. Would an iPhone not a receive a message from me if I was expressing how much I hated being dragged to The Social Network?

Great, I already hear too much of the same Tri-Tone and Xylophone ringer in my studio, I'll start hearing these long ass tones over and over.