Antonio Ioffreda

This has been a reality in Quebec for about 2 years. no one obeys this rule, people still talk on their cell phones.

Yeah its pretty cool that way.

Many thanks.

My friend, who pretends he knows everything about cars, keeps trying to convince me and everyone else that stick shift is a waste of time or a thing of the past. This coming from a guy that can't drive stick and confused the break pedal with gas and tried to pass it off as a "bug".

Amen to that, I can't get the same feeling watching WRC as I do with Group B.

That green is way too bright. Its not even close to whats on the flag.



My dad was watching the news on RAI and I happened to turn my head the moment it showed him colide with the other bike, horrific. Something I did not want to see.


If your a Klignon, yes, but I think racers usually like to finish their races.

Are you serious? That isn't a far parking spot at all, that's pretty close

I think its a hay bailer, and every farmer knows that zombies don't eat hay.

Ofcourse, its just genius!

That was the first thing I thought of too!

Holy crap, I think I had this when I was a kid, I remember that if the car antenna touched the remote antenna the car would just take off.

You got a hemi?

His woman probably left him for an Italian and now he's a cornuto, freeeeeeeegati!!

It does very special things. Take care of it, will you?

My cousin has the new one, its not that bad, believe it or not its a real pleasure to drive! The duck is a pure minghiata.