Antonio Ioffreda

It looks like its been saran wrapped or something.

Ahh man, thats freakin awesome!


Tricky, but I think it can be done.

In the bay, to eat some hay? I think I may!

Discount?? As if they can't afford it!!!

It just looks like its carrying something in its bed, other than that it looks like a regular El Camino, pretty cool.

hahahahaha classic!

Someone has a man crush.

LOL Thats awesome!

This one is awesome but I'm still digging yesterday's rally wallpaper!

I still have mine, oh how I love my tetris bathroom breaks!

Holy big boobs, they really are huge!!

It reminds me of a shoe,

Anyone that grew up in St-Michel Montreal will remember Marche Tricolore, God I miss that place!! No Lamborghinis though.

I have created what I call a "LASER".

I like that grill thing on the rear window, cool retroness but other than that, my condolences.

No one thought of the Karmann Ghia?

Seriously, he could have chosen a better color right??