Antonio Ioffreda

Drunk? On drugs? Both?

You've obviously never dated a girl from Ontario or Quebec.

Fart jokes always make me laugh!

Don't you hate it when auto manufacturers show off a car when its not in motion? We need more videos like this.

Really? One door?

Haha, in Quebec, pipe is slang for BJ.

I miss Oldsmobile and cheesy commercials like thses.

I have created what I call a "LASER".

I agree, give this guy a medal!

Shit, that was really really awesome. I keep getting emails from this daily deals website and one of them is something like 199$ cdn to drive (not sit in the passenger seat) a lambo and a ferrari around a track. Change of underwear not supplied.

I think I just... oh my god I just did, I came in my pants.

I love 70's-80's women, seriously, lets go back, time travel can't be THAT difficult.

I think you mean "VADOR"

I'm going and see Van Halen this March, I hope to God that they sound as good as this!!

Oh my god!!! It looks like a civic!!

It kind of reminds me of the FIAT multipla.

I think it looks good, yeah it has styling from other car companies but nowadays, who doesn't steal other people's ideas? I mean I'm the original inventor of the condom, pencil and whoopee cushion. The ideas was stolen from me but you don't see me complaining!

That post about "your first car" was beautiful, I feel for that guy. I had a couple of cars, all used. A '93 Sonata, '86 Firebird, '91 Cutlass Supreme. I loved all of them, except the Hyundai, it was just bad, but I had some real good times with it.

Star world levels are painfully hard!!!!

Cuz it goes like hellll!!!