Robo Redneck

FUCK's back!

Precisely. I'm all about coolness for coolness's sake, but I never bought those characters for a moment. Still a worthwhile movie.

Yep, pretty dope movie. Sometimes I'm more on Winding Refn's wavelength than others; he's a pretty idiosyncratic director. A lot of the time his movies feel like collections of outstanding scenes without any satisfying connective tissue. Still, I can get behind beautiful visuals with frustrating character work.

Great line delivery. That guy was always good in every role.

No, what I'm saying is that this guy's profession is Commercial Filmmaker. You're criticizing him for doing a movie for the paycheck. A) how could you possibly know his motives, and B) genre movies are his wheelhouse; Incredibles 2 is exactly what he should be doing.

Jesus Christ, this guy isn't Michelangelo, he's a director of commercial films.

…what's wrong with that?

Uh, I don't think the Sam Jackson character would be able to return even if he was willing to work pro bono.

Fucked Up and Titus Andronicus later in the year!

The books are certainly a better medium in which to appreciate fully the story, but I just couldn't continue hanging out in that world. I just started hating all the (surviving) characters, all the events that transpired, and the general sense of directionlessness. And if you stop enjoying the characters, then

Pretty much where I'm at. I liked the first three, but after the fourth I was done-zo. Like the show though.

Stephen King's the Running Man includes the all-time great intestinal-horror line of all time. Do not read on if you are squeamish:

I think that was opening scene number two, the come-down from the mutilated dock worker getting airlifted to the hospital.

At least they got a compy death scene into The Lost World. Sorry Peter Stormare!

Haha, that was my thought when reading this. "Wu! You don't know how lucky you got in the movie! Don't return, for it will surely spell your doom!"

Haha, does anyone even like these books?

I think Teti just fired a big bright shot across the bow of the Sean O'Neal express: Teti is coming after the king.

Aw yeah, listened to this on NPR yesterday, it's a keeper. Might be my favorite of 2014 so far.

I would like to add comment 3,406.

Yes, CPR keeps blood moving through the body, and if you continue inflating their lungs with oxygen, it will lengthen the amount of time they can be dead and brought back. Although at some point the ship will have sailed.