Robo Redneck

I was CERTAIN they would say they were swingers. Hence the late nights…

Yeah, this song's pretty fun. One of those ditties that will come on at a party and everyone will sing along to the chorus.

I think that's gonna be my new go-to insult.

Even reading this hasn't totally cleared it up for me.

Holy shit, just wikipedia'ed those fuckers. Brutal; second most painful sting in the world.

I would bust that story out at parties ALL the time if it had happened to me.

"Everyone showed up but the Polish cavalry."

It took me like 25 viewings before I noticed that. The movie doesn't make it obvious that Cruise's shot pattern is what foiled him, but it's there. I love this film.

Hyperion please

God I hated Ann

I dunno, these guys are computer geniuses. Maybe he set the timer on a delay?

He got three of those bad boys finished, why not this one? Though I agree he's nutso.

Haha, the Vince Vaughn character basically caused hundreds of deaths (grabbing the baby T-Rex, sabotaging the other camp, fucking with Roland's gun) but the film treats him like a good guy. So strange! I still like the film though; good dino action.

Titus Andronicus LP4. The enemy is everywhere.

No Titus Andronicus huh? I thought their epic concept double album was supposed to come out in 2014. God willing it happens in 2015, with a tour to go with it. +@ forever.

Haha, burn

I like how you can call that scene by 10 different names and everyone will still know what you're talking about. The firecracker scene. The Sister Christian scene. The Jesse's Girl scene. The drug deal scene. The Mark Wahlberg stares into space scene. The Alfred Molina scene. The Tom Jane gets popped scene.

Seriously, Talking Backwards is, like, crazy good.

Hour of the Dawn is my La Sera pick. That guitar solo at the end is murderous.

Well that just sounds like a great evening right there. I'm watching The Raid in preparation for seeing the sequel tomorrow.