Robo Redneck

Well I'm home now and enjoying a frosty PBR.

Do you just start spontaneous pick-up basketball games at strip clubs?

I hope that's an XXL beer you're having there O'Neal. I'm stuck in this shitty office another 45 minutes.

We used to be friends. A long time ago.

Oh god, that show just got added to Netflix. There's a non-zero probability I spend my Friday night watching an entire season.

God I love that song.

Acid bitch!

It's forever in there!

The problem is that there's no goal, no end game to strive towards. The only template this show follows is "here are some characters. Watch them try to survive. Some of them won't, but at least there will be interesting carnage. Tune in next week." That might work for a movie, but episode after episode, season

You realize 24 had TWO different black presidents during its run right?

…they do get kind of annoying.

Haha, maybe it was a bit harsh, but I groaned audibly upon reading this gem: "Aronofsky bows to no higher power. He’s built this grand vessel to his
own specifications, obeying only the voices screaming in his head."

Fuck yeah, Fichtner.

I've always been partial to "titty-fucking;" it flows better.

Wouldn't Pleisiosaurs do alright?

Oh God, stop it with the fucking Biblical figurative language, you aren't being cute. Are you trying to be a cut-rate Andy Greenwald?

Did he get called to Hawaii in between the phone calls?

It could lead to interesting dramatic situations if P and E's handler is inept/over her head. Not everyone can be a stone cold badass, and it's possible Russia sent someone ill-equipped to handle the job.

It's not exactly a ringing endorsement either. I demand ringing!

Haha, nice try with that B- AV Club. Real cute. Nothing will dampen my enthusiasm for this flick. Probably gonna see it on a double feature with Sabotage. Which apparently you also hate!