Robo Redneck

Yes, that's utterly infuriating.

The crews of Terror and Erebus! I mean, I suppose they found most of the bodies, but there's so much unexplained shit that I think it still counts.

You're out of your mind, the media will be all over it when they find the plane. Whether there are Americans on it or not, this story has been the most talked about story in months, and people will want the resolution.

The liquor's in charge now Julian!

I dunno if he was every truly sober. If anything, Marty would be a better example, he quit the booze for several years before falling off the wagon and into a Verizon clerk's ass.

Hank Dolworth from Terriers.

That should be the fucking masthead of this website.

Why do I fucking laugh every time someone spells it "Korl"

Keep going through episode 4 at least, that one is fucking insane.

They should intersperse Weird Al's "Trash Day" a few times a day, just to change things up a bit.

A little pot/kettle action going on there.

…Says the guy who used the "Your _____ is bad and you should feel bad" construction.

Well that escalated quickly.

He looks/sounds super duper serious in the upcoming Godzilla too.

Yeah, it sounds the same as Act of Valor, but replace "marines" with "cars". I thought AofV was pretty good when it got to the action bits, so I'm mildly interested in this.

…for an accelerated rate of motion?

But Outlaw Vern liked it, so my theory that they were the same guy is shot.

Basically the whole reason I can't get into the FF movies is because of the bad CGI. There's just no thrill there, and I sure as hell ain't seeing it for the characters.

Talk about making a bad situation worse. Complete fuckhead.

That is incredible.