Robo Redneck

An entire family of highly trained Soviet spies no less.

—Is cool as a cucumber.
"I'm a feminist. I work for Mother Russia."

Anyone else enjoying those Fargo promos? Really digging the tone they're conveying, and Billy Bob Thornton and Martin Freeman are awesome. Of course I was also getting really into the Bridge previews and didn't care for that show much, but still, looks interesting.

I enjoy both the taste and price of PBR. I'm pretty sure I'm not a hipster, but who knows.

Wahlberg's actually a pretty good upgrade. He was born to star in Michael Bay movies.

They just want to let you know they are patriotic, as they level Chicago again, and again, and again.


God that's great.


Grandpa, how did you get this medal?
*Old man's eyes fill with tears*
"I disliked certain films that won best picture"

All I read online (basically here and the Dissolve) is people bitching about people bitching about the twist.

I will grant you that the trailer promised wolf punching.

I've never heard anyone complain about the twist. But I guess I've never hung out with comic book readers.

Wait, there was a rogue in 2? I thought the bad guy was just a regular bad guy…

It's actually, "Looks like this mission just got a hell of a lot impossibler."

Matrix Reloaded.

Goddamn it.

"And I'll bleed on the flag to keep those stripes red"

I love this series of movies. It might be my favorite series still running (yeah, over Star Wars, LOTR, Bond). Awesome spy shit is really hard to top, and I love the cycle of directors who make their own mark on the franchise.

McQuarrie is really good. Way of the Gun is some good shit, and Jack Reacher is majorly slept upon.