Robo Redneck

Aw, I'm always a fan of the "normal person finds his/her balls, takes on the bad guy" trope, and I think Red Eye did it well.

I enjoyed the moment when he got hit in the head by a rock, and all his knowledge of kung-fu motherfuckery came back to him.

This is going to sound lame, but the movie wasn't about wolf punching maaaaan, it was about Liam Neeson's existential journey.

Maybe he killed the busboy because his disguise was compromised.

But he's a Godless communist intent on the destruction of our American way of life!

Much shooting!

Yeah, I'm definitely a sucker for Liam Neeson action joints. Unknown was kind of unfocused and hokey, but I thought it had potential. This sounds more cleaned up, more interesting.

So are the terrorists wolves? I kind of want every Liam Neeson villain to be wolves from now on.

I'm way late with this, but I think it's murky territory labelling them "good" or "bad" either way. I think they both legitimately want to improve the world around them, they believe in justice (even if they don't follow the letter of the law), and I think they want to protect the ones they lvoe. "Good" qualities.

God that would suck.

That song is on my best of 2014 playlist!

Wasn't that the company that invaded Isla Nublar?

Well Cheatahs actually are pretty good! Not great, they won't change your world, but I'm glad I listened to their album a couple times.

@avclub-52eba8d6dce7dbdc1382155987e0a1f1:disqus I might have to steal this story.

I found it pretty boring as well.

Haha, I couldn't even finish that one.

Haha, I get why people don't like him, but you have to respect a guy with fucking balls. Dude's a boss.

I imagine Stephen King fighting would be as ineffectual as a flailing Mr. Burns.

Damn. 69 is too damn young. RIP

Obviously that's a fucked up thing to say, but if anyone should off themselves, it's probably baby murderers.