Robo Redneck


Extremely good shit.

Good lord…it's so jiggly.

I've had eight beers today and I'd call it a pretty casual Sunday.

Tyler Perry's Medea Murders All Her Children. Rated PG.

Everybody get up, it's time to slam now.

For some reason they go absolutely insane when editing that movie. I swear Rogen yelled "J'accuse" instead of "Bullshit" at one point.

Similar vein; first time I heard What I Got by Sublime unedited I was sitting in the car with my mom. When that "MotherFUCKING" dropped it got real uncomfortable.

It's on AMC like, every day.

Awesome movie.

Uhhhh that would change my opinion of the character.

At least Tarzan Boy has a feeling of joy and infectiousness. This Pompeii song is just…there. If I didn't know is was by something called "Bastille" I'd think it was an Imagine Dragons joint, and I cannot conceive of a worse insult.

I didn't realize he was stereotypically Italian…

That's pretty much why I bailed on the books after the fourth one. He killed or marginalized all the characters I liked, so I had no inclination to keep going.

Arggh, that song bugs me so much. And it gets so much radio play. Sooooo weak.

Gotta root for Jack Bauer.

Haha, it's like being the second best Jesus; not too shabby.

Pliny the Elder. Damn good beer.

Eh, it's just a cinematic shorthand. At this point, going around it would call unnecessary attention to it. Just gotta roll with it.
