So much “Have the day you deserve” eh?
So much “Have the day you deserve” eh?
Remember when the LA DA and prosecution allowed the racist cop, Mark Fuhrman, who was caught saying the n-word repeatedly on tape, on the murder case where he mishandled evidence, and took the stand as the prosecution’s witness instead of recusing him from the case? Hence one of the main reasons why black people all…
Yes, yes, you’re an angry, messed up weirdo on the internet that lurks around the AV Club comments section, attacking and insulting people for 24 hours straight that don’t automatically agree with your often wrong opinions on literally everything, that really needs to address your obvious emotional issues. Anything…
Calling it a bluff? Is that what you’re pivoting towards now after acting like a childish asshole to people simply calling you out on being wrong? This is not even trolling anymore, you are just a total sociopath that lacks any kind of social skills.
Yes, yes, more childish attacks and insults! Exactly what I said and proving me correct as far as why would I waste my time trying to have a good faith conversation with you and go get those sources (which you can Google by yourself btw) when all i’ll get in return is denial and invective? You don’t seem to have the…
I thought I was “white-knighting” you? Now you still want to have a conversation while acting like a condesceding jerk?
The fact that you’re accusing me of being an incel and defending them, what’s the point? You’ll just deny it anyway like I saw you do with another commenter, insist on being right, and continue on with the childish and immature insults and ironically act like the very incels you’re criticizing?
It’s not what I think, it’s what’s been actually and verifiably proven by multiple sources that you could’ve taken the time to look up yourself instead of insisting on being wrong and spreading misinformation like the media did.
You, in several comments keep talking about “incels” in relation to this movie, when that was all media hysteria that was debunked. Normies liked this movie more than the incels did, hence why it made a billion dollars and won Phoenix an Oscar.
Yes, yes, you “have to respond.” The stranger on the internet that you’ve been yelling at for 24 hours straight must know that your ego, opinions are supreme above all and why you insist on winning the argument and having the last word in the form of “friendly debate.”
Yes, yes, keep replying and replying, projecting your issues and insisting on the last word in the most condescending way that you call “friendly debate.”
Yes, yes, keep replying and replying, projecting your issues and insisting on the last word. You’re never wrong and always right. The world revolves around your narrow minded opinions. Commenting on the same thread for 24 hours straight because someone had the gall to disagree with you on the internet.
And you sure love projecting your obvious issues on total strangers on the internet who had the gall to simply disagree with your wrong and self-centered opinions. It must suck to see that the world and people don’t just revolve around you doesn’t it?
And you’re being so ridiciously dense and obtuse because you can’t seem to accept the fact that many people come to the G/O media sites just to comment and engage with a like minded community and don’t want to pay for it like you want to. I’m not even the only person in this thread that told you this either. You even…
None of this is the point that you keep consistently missing here is that many people sometimes perfer to comment and engage with the community than actually read and care about content, and as we can see from the dead and empty Jezebel and Splinter comment sections show, they aren’t willing to pay a subscription for…
“Yes and I’ve also seen how much the comments section has degraded here since the Kinja transition”
You realize that one of the main reasons why people come here and why AVClub got famous is specifically because of the comments section/commentariat right? They even spent an entire paragraph talking about that in the article you linked. As you can see from the empty and dead comments on new Jezebel and Splinter,…
Don’t get your hopes up as Paste is even worse. You have to have a paying subscription in order to comment on new Jezebel and Splinter and I imagine it’ll be the same for AVClub.
Okay. I didn’t say any of that either. What you seem to be missing here is that what they’re doing to Kotaku is the same thing they did to Deadspin, so it isn’t new and is part of their MO. Next up is the for sale sign.
Nope. They did the same thing to Deadspin as far as shutting down comments to stop dissent, and look what ultimately happened there. Herb Spanfeller does not and never has given a shit about commenting communities. He just wants to make quick money off of these sites and that’s it. He just sold off Jezebel and…