
You are without question the worst husband in the history of human mating.”

I mean, it’s not hideous if you want to feel like a baseball inside a glove that hasn’t quite been broken in yet.

I am a dedicated centrist on almost every matter. Which also means almost everyone thinks I’m a dumbass.”

Okay, so just for fun, if it was someone for whom a $1m+ car purchase kinda made sense, they’d be worth about $4B I figure.

Extreme, unhelpful positions exist on all sides of the spectrum. I am a dedicated centrist on almost every matter. Which also means almost everyone thinks I’m a dumbass.

Fair enough - most of my conservative friends seem to have very little use for science.  But, assuming you’re right, that anthropogenic climate change is some sort of fraud perpetrated by not-for-profit groups and environmentalists, what about the other, myriad of ways, that our carbon and fossil fuel based energy

There’s a few temporarily embarrassed millionaires on here that circle the wagons anytime someone questions extreme excess in wealth.

Alright, alright, alright... just for shits and giggles and because clearly I hate myself:

Yea, that’s true. But as someone with limited money, virtue signaling around the environmental impacts of the rich is one of the few things that gives me joy.

Few things would please me more than to learn that they did specifically to annoy you Torch.

Maybe it’s the morning margarita talking, but that video was pretty funny!

I heard that “small eggplant” autofills the pickup truck emoji.  

I design roads for a living. The posted speeds are based on science and are far from arbitrary.

Followed soon by the required multiple comments stating “I’m a great driver and have no issue driving fast it’s everyone else that sucks at speed.”

Speeding-related accidents happen because people violate traffic laws and the laws of physics. There are not going to be less accidents if you give people one less set of laws to ignore.

In what way 15,000 assholes in 6 months driving over 100MPH is safe?

Remember when Montana went to Reasonable and Prudent and had to go back from it because people went “oh you mean a speed that far outstrips my actual driving ability?”

People may be painting you as racist and sexist because your comments dismiss her (and Hamilton, for some reason) as a “token” driver.

All those hours getting the gold license in Gran Turismo finally paying off.

Didn’t see anyone calling you a racist, but I’d be willing to go with sexist. Think about it, would you have honestly posted any of this crap over the past 24 hours if VW had used a 16 year old boy as the driver? Your repeated (and yes they were repeated) attacks of “tokenism” suggest you wouldn’t have. Sorry if I