
Where on their website does it advocate pushing other groups down in favor of their own? 

Oh, I get it now. You’re just an idiot.

It’s not too incendiary as far as I’m concerned, and I appreciate you sticking with it. It’s what people of good faith do when they don’t agree but are willing to listen to others who may not agree with them.

Part of it is that I’m not really responding to him, I’m reaching out to everyone else who reads that comment and starts nodding their head like “yeah, that’s right, I think I heard something about those BLM guys being marxists”.

The guy you’re arguing with said he believes that BLM are “pushing a Marxist agenda,” so you might want to entertain the notion that what you’re dealing with here is a loony.

And you believe this is entirely do to Black men committing more felons than White men? And has nothing to do with law enforcement and the justice system, and the different treatment different people receive from them?

Right. And there were good Nazis too, right? If you actively choose to be a part of a corrupt, racist group that oppresses others, people have every right to apply those same characteristics to you.

That’s such a great point. It would be totally salient and impossible to refute if people were born police officers and had no choice but to continue in that profession for the rest of their lives and those police officers all came from generations of police officers who had been taken from their homes and sold into

Sigh. You want a lesson in how the world works? Okay, fine.

You had me until DUI. Must DUI drivers get off way too easily. 

Great question! If the punishment isn’t based on making you pay money, it probably should be the same! But if the punishment is “pay some money”, the punishment *is* different if you earn different amounts of money - even if the penalty is the same amount of dollars! Would you enjoy a world in which you decide you’re

Pass legislation that allocates 100% of all traffic fines and penalties to victim services and watch how fast cops throw out their ticket books.

Because a $100 ticket to someone who has millions sitting in the bank is not a deterrent compared to someone who is living paycheck to paycheck.

It’s absolutely not, but because “Thin Blue Line,” we should absolutely take everything police say as reasonable and in our best interests

Also, remember to vote for Trump if you like civil forfeiture.

<Eyeroll> We all know the mighty power of the American Vice-President, dude.

Yeah. Ferguson, MO’s local government was fully funded by traffic tickets and court costs that automatically multiply for poor people who can’t afford to pay. Some evil shit.

Yeah because the alternative is sooooooo much better. 


Wow. Added court costs, or because you drank a whole bar?