
I know this is completely besides the point, but I love her dresses/outfits.

*Hugs* the number of girl friends I’ve ended up distancing myself from, or even straight up ghosting, is numerous. I feel like a jerk for doing it, until I realized when I am away from them, I feel a million times better. It’s a lot less stress.

What the actual f***?

Dicks, right? Should i be more subtle about it? Haven’t had a full cup of coffee yet...

Salad on payday friday takes courage.

Need to just keep this picture in my briefcase so when I wear a bathrobe to work, I can whip this out during HR talks. (Just kidding, I work from home, bathrobes all day long!)

This reminds me of all the Hanna Anderson dresses I wore in grade school. In an awesome, very nostalgic way.

What is with all the weird lumps and bumps? Is she smuggling her real clothes underneath?

These clothes do have some sex appeal, in the manner of “Must tear those horrible clothes off of her, stat!”

If you are into Fantasy/YA I would recommend Queen of the Tearling. The sequel is out as well. I was completely enraptured.

I adore a set for Pride & Prejudice or another late 18th century drama.

As a woman who games 5-10 hours a week (at least) and gamed a whole lot more when I was younger (we’re talking 20-30 hours a week), these numbers sound very accurate. Playing WOW, and now Destiny, I love the PvE environment and am starting to dabble into PvP, but setting up my own groups for Raids, and other

I need to use ‘Who are you, my GOVERNESS?” more often.

Right? I was kind of following along until I got to the lemon water thing

Guys get upset when they find out their favorite beer isn’t actually a craft micro-brew.

I’ve been a fan of this show, but it’s gone on for too long. There are still sparks of brilliance, even in seasons 5 & 6, but enough is enough already. I think they ended it right, with a fair amount of perspective. Nothing lasts forever, not even in the imaginary world of Community.

Being the least edible of the candidates is probably a strength.

Not Gjallahorn! How about you just offer co-op match making instead?