
They quadrupled the rate when they took over. 

They knew exactly what they were doing. The family has pending litigation against the city for one relative being killed by police. Then another relative is killed by a police officer and all of a sudden no one can in touch with the family. They supposedly called once, but didn’t follow up at all after that. You have

Flippers don’t hack people. People hack people.

Now do guns

im 100% sure his response was level headed and mature. 


I thought the same thing, but I also think that if I saw some poor kid baking in a car I would not really stop to think very hard about it, and would just start bashing on the closest part of the thing I thought I could break.

An empty seat is a ticket unsold to the money minds who make air travel tick.

Clearly the solution here is to create even bigger, more expensive movies and release them fifteen-to-twenty at a time. Audiences will be so bewildered by the sheer number of releases that they’ll have no choice but to watch them all, multiple times over.

I watched the CNN interview. James Cameron is very smart.

This is not correct. I am a reddit mod, and none of our tools have been reinstated or are functional. And it’s not for lack of trying. I’m wondering how we’re “landed gentry” if we do all of this for the love of the topics we moderate—hours of work a week (sometimes hours a day) unpaid. Simply to have organized,

Landed gentry generally got money from what they did.

Gotta admit, though, that Russia probably didn’t arrest her because she had some weed vapes. The whole thing looked like a hostage taking. With that as context, ol’ Kim there could have at least said something sympathetic. At least she was on brand with Baylor, a school whose men’s team was implicated in covering up a

When you factor in the rules outlined, “The tic-tac-toe position above was reached in a game between two flawless players, meaning neither of them ever made a move that would allow their opponent to win by force and neither of them missed an opportunity to force a win themselves.” there is only one answer to the

Exactly. I’m all about games that limit player interaction to just emotes. Hearthstone and Fortnite do this pretty well, even if some of the more explicit taunts get overused. 

Daily reminder that Twitter doesn’t matter, isn’t real, and every second you spend on there represents money in Elon Musk’s pocket. Stop talking about Twitter. Stop linking to Tweets. Get off Twitter.

Aren’t boomers like 70 years old now? What are they doing using emulators?

“I bought your game so YOU’RE MY DAD NOW! I WANT DLC!”

This is settled law. The caselaw is on the side of the tracker. Now I’m just waiting for a state to ban the tracking of private jets.

Charles Martinet has done lots of other voice roles and has quite a bit of range; the idea that he’d use his exact vocal performance from the games when the movie calls for something else is absurd. There’s little reason to believe a guy with that much talent couldn’t find a happy middle ground between “Mario voice