
Jezebel, thank you for featuring shots from Karachi Fashion Week. Pakistan isn't all bombs, mullahs, militants, and tribal areas. There's some real talent in the country in fashion, music, entertainment and the arts. Hopefully, the artists be given a wider, global platform to showcase their work and talent.

@SarahC83: This comment made me LOL so hard. Thank you, because I've had a really shitty morning here in stupid England.

@ninles: Yeah but probably not with skinnies, could work with bootcut if worn with patterns other than floral? Would love a pair of higher-heeled clogs — might be a bit more versatile.

Wait, wait...clogs are coming back?? YAY! I've worn clogs on and off since I was a kid (had an awesome pair that were clear green on top and white on the bottom). Although like myBearHands, I'm not sure I know how to wear them now?

So if you're pro-life, shouldn't you be pro-life across the board, i.e., every human being in the world has the right to a good life? I'm sure other Jezzises have made the argument already, but it really irks me that that the pro-lifers shout about giving life but not nurturing it. Or the fact that millions of

@whynotshesaid: I completely LOLed at my desk when I read that. Brilliant.

Oh please, half the time my mom dressed me in corduroys, jeans, and overalls as a kid. I also had boy-short hair and played with toy cars way before I played with dolls, let alone Barbies. Guess what? I turned out just fine and am a healthy balance between speed demon tomboy and dress-wearing girlie girl. It doesn't


@rckoala: Not all cellphone providers will participate in those kinds of texting donation programs. There was a similar effort for another recent natural disaster (I feel terrible that I can't remember which one it was, but I think it was after the tsunami in 2007), and Verizon Wireless wasn't part of that. You could

So glad Taylor left. The constant whining about a job lots would love to have got so damn annoying. No idea how Rachel put up with it, but I guess she did a good job, albeit grudgingly.

@Penny_Esq: I don't get the difference either. X Factor just looks like American Idol to me, so why would there be two shows doing the same thing? Unless there's something I'm missing by not really watching/caring about X Factor while living in the UK.

Another significant overhead cost that isn't included here is state liquor licenses, which in some states is pretty astronomical.

I'll have to check it out in a few weeks. See you guys at CES again at the luxurious Casino Royale?

@TheFu: Agreed. I always thought that I was the crazy one because I love coffee but hate starbucks. Oh, and coffee in Belgium is *amazing*.

I did Capitalist vs Communist. The Communist took all of the Capitalist's money and then killed him. That seemed about right.

My guess is that North Korean booze is pretty terrible. What is made from? Fermented sadness and despair?

Don Julio Blanco tequila :D

FYI, the eggs in that photo are overcooked. There should not be a grayish border around the yolks.

@methan69: As logical as it may seem, its stupid to think that just because someone "simulates" (I'd hardly call games with gang elements simulations, really) gang activity they will be more likely to engage in it in reality.