
Umm, when you say "these are the things QE2 was supposed to accomplish...", what you mean is that it causes inflation. And I don't know how inflation related increases on stock prices really helps you since the price of everything is going to be going up (like gas... duh?).

He was explaining why gas prices are high and going up, and you didn't refute any of that. you just claimed that those things are justified.

DING DING DING. Inflation is back! It's not "greed" or "fucking Arabs and their wars" (and let me remind you that we are the fuckers currently bombing Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen....).

A lot of these calls were probably people stuck in snow. The whole DC area was a mess because the snow storm hit at rush hour which is already plagued with heavy traffic. Cars were getting stuck and blocking 4 lane highways. I got caught in it on my way back from Atlantic City and sat on the beltway in Maryland for 4

If this is the new A3 (at least in appearance) then I may be willing to give up my dreams of a US-bound A1.

We should never tear down an old building ever! Had you ever even heard of Daniel C Jackling? I had to look him up on wikipedia and nearly fell asleep reading his short bio. Such historical importance!

Yes, a random mansion on a California hillside built by an obscure metallurgist is just like Anne Frank. Can you even hear yourself?

I can think of a few industries that have performed worse over the past few years...

Those people are jerks. They tried to get the government to step in and stop someone from doing what he wanted with HIS property. And why? Oh because they had a fondness for the old house that was there.

That's a lose lose... I hate snow AND Los Angeles.

You know in Denmark, mothers sometimes leave their babies unattended in their strollers sitting outside of grocery stores & restaurants. The government should probably take all these babies so that someone doesn't take these babies!

She left the car on, presumably with the AC running. This really isn't that different from leaving a baby in an air conditioned bedroom alone for 10 minutes. Is that also criminally stupid?

@ortizlgnd4: Yeah that's why we never get any advances in medicine or health care... wait what?

@4nth0ny: Texas Instruments had this technology on display at CES 3 years ago, but I guess it never made it to market since DLP rear projection sales imploded.

@J_kebox: I'm not the one who is calling sugarcane a "third world crop". How fucking condescending is that? "We can't grow sugar in beautiful Hawaii, let those poor fucks in the Philippines grow it!"

@krownd: Not to say that the US hasn't done bad things in Hawaii... but your history is factually inaccurate. The sugar plantations were there before U.S. militants overthrew Queen Liliuokalani.

@J_kebox: I love how making economic use of land is seen as "destroying"...

@Ghinn: Southwest flies to more places that just in the southwest.... like Baltimore MD! They actually have a few flights out of my local airport (IAD) as well.

@HotSoup: People got scurvy from lack of vitamin c, and there are tons of non-fruit vegetables that have it: cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, squash, green pepper, spinach!

@kimchi43: He says you should eat it along with other pickled vegetables for their delicious & healthy bacteria.