
I've never understood the point of ignoring and purposely trying to write off common traits and accurate statistical observations as stereotypes, generalization, and misogyny.

@ShoopDaBoofs: As a resident of New Orleans, I chuckled heartily.

So wait people *aren't* as willing to pay several dollars to what amounts to yet another port of a crappy little game to pass the time with on their cellphone?

It's a word.

I just have a folder with recipes I've PDFd off the interwebs.

Actually knew this, haha. I've seen/heard of their ridiculously shitty looking building before.

Could really go either way.

So no Universe of Starcraft? :(

God just kicked everyone's ass.

Little Edie looks like a hijabi! The head coverings because of her alopecia are brilliant though, I must say. Some hijabi girls could take a few pages from her book.

And quit trying to come off as the voice of reason.

@Toasticus: For as much as you seem to enjoy reading your own writing, you don't actually know one way or the other whether or not the DLC was actually completely new code or exactly what the article suggests.

@SiyaArtimus: Organic milk is usually pasteurized at a higher termperature which is why it actually does last longer than regular milk.

Massive potential, too bad it'll likely just amount to another opportunity to mismanage and screw up another MMO for Funcom.

Poor advertising, sure (what do you really expect?)... but also relatively poor quality/value for the most part.

@Power, Max: Yeah, I prefer to have neither chaffing nor tearing. Some comforts shouldn't be sacrificed.

@stupid_mcgee: simply the stupidest: That wont fly. Telling someone what they can or cant do to a piece of hardware they purchased with threats of ridiculous legal overkill on the basis that it *MIGHT* allow some sort of nefarious activity is akin to suing someone who downloads a torrent client because it *MIGHT*

Crap, now I'm shitting bricks because I had an abnormal pap about a year ago, but got so freaked out that I didn't go for follow ups. Must make that appointment, even though I don't really like my gyno.

@MysidianMan: This was the only reply we needed to this video.