
@Kivrin: I take it that's the giant A&F billboard in San Francisco?

Why is he all bundled up and she's...not? It's like the Indian movies where they're running around in the Swiss Alps, and the guy is in a coat and boots but the chick is in a slinky sari. Makes no sense. Great dress, though; only hipless women can pull off peplums.

@TildaCachaco: It only takes one pirate to crack the release and put it up for grabs.

@slimky: I hear the PS4 will be AS powerful or MORE than XBox360.

Hopefully it looks better than GoW3/4 in 2010.

Apparently she's never walked in the real streets of Cairo? Well, not like I have, but I imagine it's not much different than walking in the non-posh bazaars of Lahore. Every man will gape, some will grab, others will "psst" even if you're wearing your grubbiest clothes and zero makeup. I hardly think it's a

Oh there is actually a dress at Target that is very Joan. It's on sale now, so I'm not sure if there are many left, but there's the link: []

@Papershoes: & @PrairieGirl: You guys, FigLeaves is having a 50% off everything sale! I like Fantasie's bras for shaping, and they don't look granny-esque. Only $5 for shipping in the US, too.

@Jessi Ramsey: Woah where's that from?? It's gorgeous.

I haven't read anyone else's comments, so apologies if someone else said this already. What bugged me about Danielle was a) her constant "omg wtf??" expression, and b) her inability to get past the clothes in the Elle closet and go for accessories or shoes. Didn't Anne say that they could have an item in the closet? I

Aw cuteness! I hope she gave the kid an autograph or smthg.

I can has hur grey lethur jakit? kthxbai.

Can we bring bag hats for everyone? There are some great ones on eBay begging to be worn again. Except if you wear something other than jeans and you're not going to work, people are all like "ooOOooh why are you all dressed up??" Like it's a crime to NOT look like a slob? idk...


@British Benzene, asleep at the wheel: Agreed @ religious texts should be taken as guidelines. Captain Barbosa was on to something...not to make light of the whole situation.

Ditto, Alan Cumming, dit-to. Well I still have to send in citizenship app, but whatever.

@shouldbestudying: Actually quite the opposite: Men are supposed to respect and honour women. There's nothing anywhere in the Qur'an or among the Prophet's teachings that says women can't learn or be educated. In fact, the Prophet even said that a child's first lessons are in his/her mother's lap. It sucks because

Whitney's cool and the smartest one of the bunch. I was thrilled, however, when Heidi's old boss chewed out Spencer and told Heidi that her boyfriend is toxic. Glee.

@Lazy Line Painter Jane: Dude her boobs were bigger than mine (I've got bazumbas), and I wouldn't dream of wearing an ill fitting bikini top like that.