
@Ellabella: She's already a "Superwoman."

@sadiepants: I liked Kate Ryan's dress, too. Accessories weren't bad, but maybe could've been a bit more statement-y? Like I would've gone with a Victorian-esque black necklace or some big chandelier earrings.

@ladeedah: She just showed a line of leggings, so not yet. And the moddles were wearing them as pants with tank tops. Oi.

She looks fab, and I want her coat. And her hat. Not her boots, though.

@ekates: Well she was Storm, after all.

I got two "vote yes on Prop 8" calls on election day — one robocall (not appreciating the misappropriation of my screen name) and a live dude. It took all my discipline not to curse out the dude. I also had to restrain myself from flipping off every "Yes on 8" and "McCain-Palin" sign.

Rami's, Malan's, or Jay's "real" dresses, not the sketches. Maaaaybe Leanne's aqua blue number, but yeah that would be a lot of skin...beautiful colour though.

Michelle's dress was nice. Could've been better, but it was nice, and it wasn't a boring suit. Props to her for taking risks.

Oh well done, Daniel Craig, for suggesting a non-white 007! Although given the ethnic makeup of the UK, some Indian or Pakistani dude should totally be in the running, too...but I guess we're not ready for that kind of brown.

@63words: I don't remember that one, but I loved The Beets episode with "Killer Tofu" (aaa-we-oooo).

Aw yay Patty Mayonnaise!

@30RocksMySocks: My senior VP (in Atlanta), who is a hardcore Republican, hasn't mentioned a word about the elections on e-mails. Oh she sent 'round anti-Obama political cartoons last week, though. Nor has my immediate boss said anything either. It's kind of funny.

@FourInchHeels: Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific would make four time zones. And I think Arizona doesn't observe daylight savings time (go figure, what a maverick *ahem*). Sorry, I couldn't resist.

@LindsayC: Thank you for that. I just breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God for a "House" marathon.

@polypam: Aw nuts you beat me to it! That's what popped into my head.

@Archetype: A couple other Jezzies replied to your question, and No on Prop 8 is slightly ahead, but it's tough to tell on a local level. I happen to live and work in conservo areas where the damn yellow Yes on 8 signs are frickin' everywhere. And so are McCain/Palin signs. However, interestingly, there are a couple

@Vivien Smith-Smythe-Smith: I'll help you in that venture. Because otherwise, we need to start saying "Eye-taly," "Eye-ndonesia," and "Eye-ndia." It's not that hard to pronounce country names, especially when every head of state will visit the US at some point and talk about their countries and pronouce the names