
Oh I'd pay all the money I have to look like Monica Bellucci...although someone once said I look like her, and I promptly asked him to marry me. He turned down the proposal though. Good lord, she is GAW-geous.

Her other foot in the background looks normal, so perhaps she was about to take a step or something? Although looking at those heels, I'm reminded of the heels I'm wearing and teetering around on. I've found that a bit of a heel, preferably in wedge form, is a lot more comfortable than super-flats. For some people, in

@Failsafe: OMG she totally is Prof. Umbridge! Tried to portray herself as an innocent, girlie woman, but she was pure nasty-ness. Merlin's beard, you've hit the nail on the head!

@new-notebook: Agreed. Then again, no real Western bride would wear what they feature in Vogue or on the runway either?

Wow. They were in an uproar over THIS!?

@hamburgerhotdog: Which is dumb because all it takes are some darts and pleats to make clothes fit on curvy ladies. I'm sure the designers "know" those techniques, so poop on them for whining.

My boss went to school and was on the swim team with Jack. Bossman was like "Woah, he's on Project Runway?!" when Jack found him on Facebook. Random bit of the day brought to you by Robo.

@honeybunchesofoats: Yeah I was like "WTF happened to their faces??" Photoshop of Horrors to the max. They're perfectly cute without plastic-fying them.

Oh my...Prince Harry FTG (for the gingers)? Wills has competition.

@pandorasmittens: That's awesome! My mom (bless her) made me a Star Trek (TNG) uniform top back when I was a geeked out Trekkie in junior high/high school. I also managed to make one of those Bajoran earrings. Before junior high, it would either be princess dresses or Pakistani clothes gussied up to be princess-like.

For some reason, can't reply directly to Indian Brummie's last comment, but I agree. It is a shame that in this day and age of Google, people don't take the time to do a quick search and learn/find out more about something they don't know. Hell, just to make sure I'm not saying something stupidly or incorrectly, I

@TheatreChick73: Yeah she tends to be toted around even though she's way past the carrying age. Might be faster to carry with paparazzi around, I guess? Let Violet run free!

Aw crap, I forgot y'all on the East Coast saw it three hours ago. Poop.

@CatherineMorland: That's what I was saying...Why's the music for LA all Nile-y?

@CollegeBookworm: Yeah I'm with you on the "love at first sight" stuff. However, in 9th grade when we read Romeo and Juliet, I was the only one who raised her hand when the teacher asked if we thought Romeo and Juliet really fell in love at first sight, so...

@Jessi Ramsey: Thank you, Jessi. Muslims get a bit weary of being equated with terrorism all the F-ing time. A vast majority of Muslims, including the ones living in the US and contributing positively to American society, economy, and livelihood, do not believe in or condone terrorism.

@EtoilePB: To this day, I have to explain to my guy friends how the menstrual cycle and female anatomy works. Mind you, they're all my age (28) or older, but they're completely clueless. Granted some of them grew up abroad, but still, it's sort of mind-boggling that they've got their facts all upside down, e.g., it's