
But then weren't these grandmothers also teen moms themselves? Like if a 34-year-old woman has a 16-year-old daughter, she was 18 when her child was born. Is it cycle perpetuation then somehow? I am confused =\

@ShanaElmsford: That's what I'm saying. It has to be a shoot of some sort.

LMAO! Is he practising his McCain impression?

Yeah how do you "force" same-sex marriages onto anyone, especially the straight kids? I live and work in a couple of conservative towns in California (work in is Orange County, aka Republican enclave), and I've seen a lot of "Vote yes on Prop 8" stickers. But seriously? Like mayfly said, don't you have better things

What's totally gold is that as I was watching this, my mom came in and asked if it was the real debate or the skit. Is that telling or what?

"Brooke Hogan, noted wit." Don't you mean twit? Yeah the news isn't all rainbows and puppies, but you still have to know what's going on in the world. Her entire statement doesn't really make sense.

Totally adorable these two are. If Jenn's pregnant, which it looks like she is, she needs to put Violet down. That child with supercute dimples is old enough to walk.

Aw Rupert :( The same day I behold his cuteness is the same day I learn of his passing. *Sniff*

Can Rachel Zoe please eat something? Her sternum is scaring me.

Script or not, Spencer was Douchebag Supreme. Before he even said a word on the show, I wanted to smack him. How would he feel if Heidi talked condescendingly and arrogantly to his mother?? Momma Montag should've smacked him down, and Heidi should have the sense to break up with a man who reduces her own mother to

@sumerfish: Me too. Love the brocade-y fabrics, but I think the silhouettes should've been more streamlined to contrast the flowy-ness of the pajama bits.

Yeah why don't we get free stuff with mags? On my way back from the UK in June, I bought UK Elle and Marie Claire from the airport and scored a French Connection tote and a Benefit lip gloss (full size, mind you). All that for like maybe $15-20, which wouldn't even cover the lip gloss.

WOW I completely forgot about this awesome little game.

I concur with Ewan MacGregor and Bono, aye.

@MrTaco: Triple agreed.

Yeah, but try telling that to the fundos who are hellbent on blowing up girls' schools. It's so damn sad and frustrating, but their shortsightedness angers me to no end. The same women that the men hold their "honour" to, the women who bear their children and take care of their families are not given the opportunities

What the hell? She looks like crap. Not that she looks good usually, but the makeup is horrible, and she seems drunk/tired/high. Too much fringe and boob, too.

As usual, I want Dita's clutch and shoes.