
I’m also going to go on a limb and say that The Best Years of Our Lives, The Killing Fields, Mona Lisa, Precious, Moonlight, Walkabout and many other films show that great, successful films can feature unknowns and actors whose life experiences or identity closely mirror the character they are playing. Picking a

My excitement for this is wholly contingent on the return of the original vocal cast.

I mean, yeah, if you have one minority in the whole show and they’re a walking stereotype, sure. But a lot of shows have flawed minority characters that don’t inspire a rage on Twitter. It’s as simple as just writing a good character without writing them first and foremost around their statuses as minorities.. Credit

Mae Jemison was the first African-American woman in space in 1992, and would start every shift on the Space Shuttle with Uhura’s famous words: ‘Hailing frequencies open.’ I like that.

There was no "love" in her reboot. Just sex. She had no other real traits. It was purely physical, purely emotionless, purely without empathy, intimacy, or kindness.

I hope for the actual proposal he yelled EXPECTO MATRIMONUM