Rob Moden

"There are very rare occasions (like on the second-season premiere of Hannibal) where the audience will say 'Ooooh! I can’t wait to get to that!'"

I think any Wonder Woman in a solo Wonder Woman movie would be better, but maybe Superman/Batman will be good and I'll be wrong.

We never had confirmation that they were bonin', though. I don't think they'd even spent more than a few days together, in the middle of world-shattering crises, until whatever happens after the credits of Dark World.

Send her back in time to co-star in the Agent Carter series!

While I won't say the portrayals of how strong Asgardian people are compared to humans has been consistent throughout the Thor movies/Avengers/Agents of SHIELD, I do think that one's easily explainable as Sif not wanting to hurt anyone. I was surprised we didn't get a gag where she shattered the window while closing

There are dozens of them!

In retrospect, the fact they were selling this series from the get-go as having heavy crossover potential was probably a red flag.

I'm now pretty upset she didn't get Wonder Woman in the Batman vs Superman movie.

She said none except Frost Giants had visited Earth, and the Frost Giants only did during the war a thousand years ago (as seen in the prologue of the first Thor movie). As I understood it, in part from Coulson's reaction, we were supposed to think that whatever SHIELD was up to with the blue alien, it's so shifty

Oh God. I think I read somewhere the producers hinting at Skye being based on or related to a known comics character. If she takes Ms. Marvel…

I just want one conversation with Skye where no one tells her how brave she is.

Alright, help me out, I either missed something or the show was intentionally being very vague. Who was it that Lorelei seduced that Sif had feelings for, which Lorelei then taunted her about, motivating Sif to slap the shut-up-necklace on her before she could keep talking? Was it meant to be Thor in some un-seen,

Well now you just sound like you hate the idea of old people being on TV at all.

Skinner as the teacher, Super Nintendo Chalmers for principal.

My God, there is definitely a Charlie Kaufman movie somewhere in the idea of a person who wastes their life watching other people's silly home movies on YouTube.

The fake movie clips Harmon and Davis were riffing in the Harmontown Oscar special slayed me.

I will never not find Andy Daly characters talking about suicide funny.

I sometimes frequent the Earwolf message boards, and there is always actual backlash whenever someone dares suggest it for How Did This Get Made. People defend it as not being in the ranks of, say, a Street Fighter movie because at least Space Jam has some sort of consistent internal logic and funny jokes - completely

"Oh, boys! Boys!! I'm sorry, sir, these are my sons, Benny, and… the Jets. I expect this from you, Benny, but the Jets?!"

And if forcing her to delete their conversations and his contact was just in case the phone survived the train and would be looked at by police… what are the chances that all mentions of Underwood were contained to just their own conversation? I assume she traded texts and emails with Lucas and Janine during their