Rob Moden

That the show has saved making Frank's initials a punchline until that exact moment, presented in fucking cuff links and after he tells the audience not to feel bad about a regular character's gruesome death, made all the individually ridiculous elements of what I just described culminate into over-the-top brilliance.

Catering done by Sherry's Berries.

Swore I saw his name on the byline when I read it a few days ago. I stand corrected.

I straight up told my AV Club-reading friends to not read that review because it spoiled a fantastic surprise. Luckily I got to see an advance screening before McFarland ruined that moment. Heck, on The Dissolve they set up the equivalent of a spoiler space just so people could talk about that twist without giving it

It's sad that every time in the last year a talented person has been shopping a half-hour show around and NBC's reportedly interested, I've actively hoped against it. It just feels like a waste of everyone's time. They seem to note their new shows into blandness and then cancel it after six months because they don't

The retread stuff was because it was the second episode written/voice-acted but was then shuffled to later, according to a Vulture interview with Harmon and Roiland. Doesn't make the episode stronger as a stand-alone, but makes more sense.

Just a heads up, but according to an interview with Harmon and Roiland (I think on Vulture? Pfft, what am I, looking-up-things-guy?), this was the second episode written and voice-acted, but they decided to shuffle the order around. Knowing that going in, it made it a lot easier to digest some of the repetitive

The real-life Ron Swanson.

He has a lovely, lovely voice.