
I don't know, why don't you ask any of the families of the victims of 9/11. Or you could ask the men, women, and children that the Taliban had slaughtered in soccer stadiums while people watched. Or you could ask the women who were forced to live under an extreme version of Sharia law in Afghanistan. Ask you wife,

Clearly this is impossible. Every fan boy I have ever met has loudly proclaimed how Apples are completely immune to malware and viruses. They may be bullet proof too, according to them. So, you must be mistaken.

Prison is about punishment in my opinion. I don't believe a person can be reformed by an institution or another person. Reform can only come from the person who has the problem. Punishment is a driving force for them to find a way to reform. This does not mean that you disregard their human rights or degrade them, but

I hope your just trolling and don't actually think that. Just because you question certain things that are held to be true by the majority, does not mean you are anti science. Science actually dies when everyone just accepts what they are told and does not look for new and better answers to problems. What if everyone

The real value of the internet to society is free and open communication, not protecting the rights of a few people to hog massive amounts of bandwidth with P2P file sharing, video streaming, etc. The increased cost will mean that lower income people will have less access to the internet, and the internet will be less

The issue is that you assume that net neutrality will create on maintain a "free and open internet". That is what the proponents are loudly yelling, but net neutrality could likely result in exactly the opposite happening. Proponents say that you should have everyone should have equal access, but the cost for that as

Saying we paid for the internet is about as true as saying Al Gore invented it. There is a grain (a very small grain) of truth to both, but the lion share of the internet development and infrastructure that now exist was done by private companies. You all will regret this day when you have less ability to access the

Net neutrality is a wolf in sheep's clothing. It looks good until you think about the potential consequences of the ruling. The hardware for the internet belongs to the ISPs, they should be free to do with it as they please. Setting a precedent for government regulation of the internet is bad. Also, the ISPs are going

2 or 3 religious nut jobs claim that a natural disaster is judgement from God, this leads to 40,000 liberal nut jobs claiming that every conservative sees natural disasters as judgement from God. Then they gloat celebrate while innocent people loose their lives and hundreds of homes are damaged just because it is

They still exist, they just went they just went undercover. See their website, []

At least he did not say that it was the "most cleverest" way to reach him. #corrections

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Today we do that, Dr. King and I am sorry to say it is seriously lacking.

I would disagree. There are plenty of guns in rural areas, but guns in the hands of law abiding citizens in urban areas are more rare. In many cases, strict local gun control laws are to blame for this. Also, I think it does prevent these type of things from happening. We had a rash of crooks breaking down doors and

See here is what you are missing. One of the reasons that "Your country constantly ranks among the happiest, healthiest, and most prosperous in the world. Your countrymen are beautiful. Your chocolate, rich." is that it's citizen's are heavily armed. The playing field is level. I don't remember hearing about anyone

Ever think about the fact that if only one other person would have had a gun and used it, then the death toll could have been a lot less? Guns are not the issue, nut jobs are the issue.

Peace in our time, right Neville?

This is a crime, and you all celebrate these criminals like they are some modern day Robin Hood. Seems to me you all got hacked a few months ago, and it was not nearly as admirable. We have no idea who these people are. The could be 12 year olds with too much time, or they could be terrorists. If we know anything