
What you fail to consider is that the newer Gama Knife is extremely expensive, and the lives this technology has saved far out weighs these few negative outcomes. Increased regulation increases cost, and could easily put this technology out of reach for smaller hospitals in rural areas. Medical equipment can fail, and

Watch out! They'll freeze like that, then what will you do, hmm? - Mom

I know it is wrong, but boy does this make me happy. She got what she deserved

I am just waiting for the obligatory article slamming all of us for complaining about our user names and passwords being hacked.

@matttrick: I am sure stealing and espionage are illegal where he lives too.

@F3ngles: and he would be wrong

@Aneurhythmia: Presentation of the facts without an agenda. Also, just like every other profession in the world, it has to be done within the confines of the law. Knowingly presenting classified material that was obtained illegally is not journalism, nor is it protected by the constitution of the US (this has been

The reaction of media outlets treating this guy like he is a journalist is what scares the hell out of me. Activism is not journalism. Giz seems to have forgotten that.

@Shai: No proof and it is not needed. Terrorism is about fear not deaths, I never said anyone was killed, just said they were scared. However, it is not far fetched to think that governments like China or others might kill someone who gave information to America that they thought was damaging. Where do you think the

@Shai: Not at all. Terrorism is doing something to create fear or terror in those you oppose. People are scared for their lives because of what he has done. Governments are scrambling because of the release of this information.

Actually, I think you are out of touch on this one. This guy is a terrorist, not a journalist. Further proven by the fact that he has released this "Poison Pill", saying that if he does not get his way he will release even more damaging information. That is blackmail. The information Wikileaks released was classified

Am I the only one that thought this was a Dealzmodo post at first?

I agree that the quality of the comments sets Gizmodo apart, but I am also concerned that in some cases people seem to be accused of trolling for merely stating a dissenting opinion. I have seen some commenters loose a star and the only reason I could determine would be they had an unpopular opinion. Some of us don't

Old bad ideas make great new bad ideas

Most fan boys are just thankful for the privilege of buying the iPhone 4 and would never think of complaining about anything the great, kind, and wonderful Apple corporation produces. May they ever be praised, Amen.

Umm, you put the words designer and logical in the same sentence. That's your problem right there.

I have a 32" Panasonic LCD, and love it. It is a lower end model.. The Ipod dock rocks. I control my Ipod from my TV remote and play it through my home theater system.

As a resident of the great state of Tennessee (which I love). I wish I could say that it is very unusual for these type of things to happen.

Remember "There are old electricians and bold electricians, but no old, bold electricians". This project is a good way to kill someone as mentioned by others. Spill a drink? Not a good idea.