This Pokemon is the ideal glow up. Starts out as a crying anxious baby, has a rebellious emo phase, and becomes a confident adult with optional gun!
You’re right, the article has been updated to reflect this. (I actually wrote about Oh!GG before, which makes this an extra dum-dum move on my part.)
That’s like saying you can’t own a song, cause we all have voices. Can’t own a book, cause we all have fingers to write. Can’t own a game, cause can all type code. Absurd argument.
let’s keep in mind that applying logic to to the actions of those who suffer from serious mental illness issues is fucking stupid.
Fuck yeah! Koroks! I hunted a good chunk of them because I wanted all the upgrades. Best choice ever. God... BotW is my most favourite Zelda game. I love thinking about the game.
Man, it was so hard trying to watch action scenes in those movies. Is he transforming or just falling over? Hes punching? Is he punching himself? Oh the movies over.
I thought this was the freshest song from them in a while. You’re right that it would fit a lot of other (current) group’s discographies, and DEFINITELY RIGHT about the other members finally having some focus/camera time/vocal “time”. YAAAAAS HYOYEON FINALLYYYYYYY
In addition to new games? Absolutely. There are a lot of old AAA games that I’d totally replay (or play for the first time) if I had them on Switch, solely because it’s portable.
I’m trying to find where the “ass” is in that trailer. This is what our expectations have become?
If the release date is indeed next year, I think we can assume it will be the actual reveal. I mean, Nintendo has always taken their time in revealing a new console, but always with at least a year window between the reveal and the release. Waiting any longer would only hurt them I reckon.
I won’t believe you unless there is a picture of you at a Airport terminal with this exact setup.
I’m actually way more impressed with these than with Minecraft. Some Minecraft things are technical achievements, other are the result of huge dedication and work, but it looks so awful it kinda spoils the magic.
It’s the popular hipster thing to say this episode sucked. Wooden acting? Anderson and Duchovny played the characters exactly the same way they’ve always played them. In many ways it felt like the show never left. Aside from the contemporary cell phones and nods to current politics, it felt EXACTLY like an episode of…
Track: Tokyo Ghoul - “Unravel” Metal Cover | Album: N/A | Artist: Per Fredrik “PelleK” Åsly