
Counterpoint: No f***ing way.

It has been said that infinite monkeys banging away at infinite typewriters will eventually author the complete works of Shakespeare. Can I assume this is their first draft?

So 3 minutes a batch, but you would need 20 batches to feed a family of 4.

This is the best reply in Gawker history.

Bonus points for actually working it into a solid response to an actual question, and not just throwing it up here like (looks in mirror) some people do.


Get a sharper knife.

Looks like he's done with verb conjugation, too.

I feel like this about Xabi Alonso

And by all means, share your bracket’s post-mortem with as many people as possible. They’ll all be really empathetic to the fact that you would have won if you didn’t get fucked by Choke State.

Once you got balcony, you won't be able to go back to anything else.

Isn't every Tom Ley article shaming someone about something to make himself sound better, sensitive, morally superior, etc.?

General question: when is the ‘right’ time to cut ties with Johnny Manziel?

What this statement is supposed to make you understand is that Burkhardt is an upstanding professional who will no longer tolerate Johnny Manziel’s behavior. You’re supposed to read it and say, “Erik Burkhardt is a good guy who is making a wise decision.”

Waiter’s friend.

Waiter’s friend.

There are 3 ways to read that advice:

Golf channel, man.

I ride the train to work every morning, and it’s dead quiet. No one says a word. The only noise is the rumble of the train on the tracks and the occasional *snick* of the conductor’s hole punch. Who the hell are these assholes who talk on a train?