
When you say the universe is flat, what exactly does that mean? Are you implying that all the matter in the universe is similar to our galaxy in position, or that the background radiation is constant throughout or what?

Yes, I WOULD download a car.

@Norumu: It's not giz. It's Jesus. He's got a bee in his bonnet.

@GirafficPark: No, these are charts for insectologists. It's just got an extra t.

@Syntax Error: I've got it. MRIs. This is part of their new health system.

@ThisGuy: Ah, yep, could be. Whoops.

@Arken: Because he's the blog's resident sex toy expert. If it's artificial and you can shag it, he's your man.

Hey, we don't all know how it ends.

50ccs of butter. Every day?

Oh Manny. It's all my fault, always falling for the wrong guys. You know, I even had a thing for you once. But you were so hung up on that Meche woman I figured I didn't have chance.

@ddhboy: Did you just suggest Gaga was better than the Beatles?

@Steven Callas: I can go with that to an extent. Trouble is, I'm looking at this argument with the eye of one who thinks that it isn't possible to have a reasoned argument on the subject, due to the nature of the opinions held, and the fact that they are beliefs based on no practical evidence as opposed to theories

@Steven Callas: Except that in some cases, insult is a perfect way of getting your point across. In the case of religion, you're dealing with people who believe, without any sort of rational basis, in a father figure who they can win over by acting in a certain way, so that he will aid their own interests. This

@FauxReal: Hell, I've just ignored blu-ray. DVDs seem to have done me quite nicely.

Links 1-4 and 7 aren't embeddable.

I'm still unconvinced by the "whining about content" rule. You're working on getting your audience as big as possible, so you can sell as many eyeballs as possible to ad firms. If you never receive any negative feedback, how can you expect to properly monetize your audience? It's all well and good asking for things

Set please. :)

So Diaz has his iphone 4, and you have the BP photoshops? Can we get a list of everyone else's gimmicks?

@msremmert: Did you ever see the ipod socks?