
I think this post requires the mention of something discussed here earlier, about a "click in case of death" button on your computer.

Well now I have a throblem.

Gzmd: Th wrld's mst p-t-dt pgvw whr.

@cadenlaguna: Relatively minimal, and as long as you're not the first, there's a pretty good feedback system.

@zimbabwaenquadrillionare: If the two items have the same metal base (with a different coating providing the different colours), they're going to have the same x-ray absorbance. It'll all look like one single key.

@j14: So you're not allowed to tell somebody your friend's being arrested, and you could do with some help?

@jupiterthunder: Given how little screen space phones have, I personally resent the loss to ads.

@Grewal: Flash ads use more bandwidth than the rest of the site. Fuck having that slow down my pages.

@marty_sheboygan: Because there's craploads of money in it. Look at the pageviews, and be glad of adblock.

@theamazingpete: Trademark. You patent an idea, you trademark a name, you copyright a piece of work.

@juggsgotcha: Not pointless. Not pointless at all. This has nearly 200000 views. It's all about the money. Welcome to #quidmodo

@scarbrtj: Kids shouldn't get used to it. You're obviously wrong.

You might also want to get the phone to lock itself down. There's a command that will allow you to lock the phone till you bung a code in it. Can be added to this set.

@echo off: Moan about apple and diaz.

So four and a half people at each? Sounds like fun.

@baneyu: ITV is commercial, not taxpayer funded. Which actually means they usually have a smaller pot of money. But they will kick the shit out of apple in court over this one, as I'm pretty sure apple'd have a hard time saying they came up with it first.

@JDickson87: They'll settle for a large sum and do it anyway probably.

@The_Vitto: No, he's a douche. Like, a literal douche. Why else would they pick him as the person to test, and then clean all the sex toys?

@Manly McBeeferton: This is the internet. It's a bunch of nerds shouting into the void. You shout a little louder? Big deal.

Speaking of adverts, why is /tag/not:advertisement so fucked? Is it designed to deliberately give a crappy view of the site to make sure poeple don't do it?